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Question by xoxowiifeyxoxo: What is the connection bewteen ethics and metaphysics and buddhism?
Im trying to write a research paper on buddhism and in my outline it says to introduce the concept of ethics and metaphysics. I have the definitions but im not really sure what it really means and how to introduce the concept

Best answer:

Answer by The Golden Buffalo
for ethics they have karma

metaphysics means after physics. you can talk about the soul. in reincarnation the soul goes to the other bodies in rebirth. the non-physical soul is limited by the physical body. for example if you came back as a frog your soul could only use the frog brain, frog eyes and so on. The soul could not think like a human does but would think like a frog does. whatever that entails.

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3 Responses to What is the connection bewteen ethics and metaphysics and buddhism?

  • Christopher F says:

    Fascinating subject.

    The earliest sort of Buddhism was empiricial – even we might say pragmatic. It rejected metaphysics as practiced within the Hindu tradition against which it rebelled.

    The Buddha’s task was to show people how they can overcome their own suffering, NOT to conceptualize about it.

    In time (this sort of thing happens a lot in history, east and west) the rebellion against metaphysics developed its own metaphysics.

    But, if I were you, I’d write a paper emphasizing the original insight. primitive Buddhism practiced ethics TO THE EXCLUSION of metaphysics.

  • taikutsu says:

    buddhism explores the same concepts that people in europe explored later, only in europe they called these concepts “metaphysics” and “ethics”. buddhism is more of a set of philosophical doctrines than an actual religion, which is what makes it so special to me. buddhism teaches us compassion, honesty, steadfastness, and tolerance, it teaches us to interact with our fellow human beings with kindness and humility. but in a deeper sense, buddhism also questions the very foundation of existence itself, it questions whether or not the thing we call “i” actually exists, or if it is simply the result of complex chemical reactions firing off in our brains, which, in a way, is a metaphysical question.

    the three are very deeply correlated. they’re pretty much the same types of ideas manifesting in different cultures during different epochs.

  • Tommy H says:

    The original Buddhist belief teaches the concept of karma, precept, concentration, wisdom, …etc. These knowledge permits the disciple to lead a path toward ultimate wisdom – enlightenment.

    Ethics is based upon human interaction in the secular society. The applicable teaching to ethics in the Buddhist belief would then be: compassion, truthfulness, tolerant, karma creation, and other prescribed conduct. Keep in mind that the spiritual teaching surpass that of humanity. For example, karma can’t be discovered and is not recognized by science nor believed by other religion, such as some Christians. But the understanding of karma leads the Buddhists conduct themselves with high ethics.

    The metaphysics in the Buddhist belief is very much spiritual, and surpass the idea of philosophy.

    The mediation mechanism is well explained in the ‘China Falun Gong’ book. The effects and advantages are discussed in details in the Zhuan Falun Lecture. Both books and meditation demonstration video are free to download from the URL listed below.

    Falun Gong was found in 1992 by Master Li Hongzhi in China. About 100 million followers like the practice in over 80 countries worldwide. Falun Gong is an ancient practice for the body, mind, and spirit based upon the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. Falun Gong consists of five sets of powerful exercises.

    Falun Gong, Tibetans, other Buddhists, and Daoists have been persecuted in China. The most offensive human right violation is the organ harvesting from the Falun Gong practitioners in China. Can you kindly sign a petition to stop persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, please ?

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