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Question by mn11391: What is the differance between Swarovski Crystals and Hotfix Swarovski Crystals?
i want to by Swarovski Crystal Flatbacks to put on my phone and laptop but i’m confused as to which one is better or what they are

also, what makes swarovski crystals so special and expensive?
how are they different from regular rhinestones?

does anyone know where i can buy swarovski crystals wholesale?

thank you all!

Best answer:

Answer by 432221
Well, I can only answer your bottom question. You can get them online and order them with this website (Yes, it is a safe website):
or you can buy SOME of them at a craft store called Micheal’s.

I think this website will explain some of the things:

Since you’re not putting rhinestones on your clothes, I think you should take the one without hotfix.

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2 Responses to What is the differance between Swarovski Crystals and Hotfix Swarovski Crystals?

  • Kristine R says:

    Swarovski crystals are made in Austria. There are some of the best and most exact cut crystals available. They are held to a higher standard than most crystals on the market, and guidelines have been issued to determine real from fake.
    Swarovski crystals themselves, found in craft stores, are available in three varieties.
    1. Beads
    2. flat back crystals
    3. hotfix crystals

    There are more shapes and such available on the market, just not typically in big box craft stores.

    Now the difference between simple flat back rhinestones, and swarovski crystals, is that generally rhinestones are either acrylic (plastic) or cheap glass. They don’t have the same radiance as Swarovski. Also, the key component of hotfix crystals, is the “hotfix” part. There is a separate tool, that looks sort of like a soldering iron, that heats up the adhesive on the back of the crystal (regular rhinestones don’t have this, only Swarovski hotfix) and makes application easy and quick.

    You can purchase flat back Swarovski crystals wholesale from a company called

    firemountain gems….( they even have $5 shipping via FEDEX.

    Hope this helps!!

  • Swarovski Advisor says:

    To get to the point, you would want non-Hotfix crystals because you will not apply heat (using iron) on your cell phone or laptop.

    Swarovski stones are expensive because they are the best quality diamond imitation available on the market. Every stone is equal in size and quality is the main difference between Swarovski and regular rhinestones.

    You may get Swarovski wholesale here:

    Be sure to calculate the number of stones you need with the stone size conversion chart:

    You may want to use Swarovski glue only for the best result:×50-g-p-3910.html

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