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Question by Cassie: What is the difference between Palm Readings,Tarot Card Readings, and Psychic Readings?
Explain the diffrence, and which do you think is more effective?

Best answer:

Answer by livingthings
They are all wrong no one absolutely no one can know the thruth only the b /i /b / l / e.

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5 Responses to What is the difference between Palm Readings,Tarot Card Readings, and Psychic Readings?

  • ChainLightning ? says:

    The difference is the first two use props for their alleged psychic ability. The last uses nothing, the psychic wings it.

    What is the most effective? The one that wins a million bucks.

    The James Randi Educational Foundation offers a million dollar prize. To anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power. This has been going on for over ten years. No one has been close.

    Money talks a lot.

  • Rachael Yay!!! says:

    palm readings – they read hands
    tarot card readings – they read the cards.
    psychic readings – they read your mind.

    Tarot Card Readings is effective
    Also Astrology is effective too.

    palm readings and psychic readings, no effective.

  • Messiah's Mistress says:

    Honestly, save your $$$
    They’re a bunch of quacks who just want to make $$$ the easy way.
    Honestly, if they had certain abilities, they would be rich.
    Ask me a specific question and I can tell you exactly what you want to hear.
    I see a trip coming soon for you, it will be located around water.
    I see a relative of yours that has knee or leg problems.
    Are you have difficulty in a relationship? that soon will be resolved!

  • donvyke says:

    For all those saying psychics don’t work, have you tried it and it didn’t work for you? Using a psychic can have many benefits and if you haven’t tried it before, don’t go about dissing it. Go do wahtever you believe in.

    IF you want to give psychic reading a try, I suggest you go here.

    They offer free 3min reading so I would say it doesn’t hurt to give it a try. Also you can ask them the difference between the different type of readings.

  • CassysTarot says:

    Palm readers interpret the lines on your palm to show you future trends. Clairvoyant psychics no longer use any tools to access the information they receive straigh from their Higher Self. There are two types of tarot readers. Psychic tarot readers use the cards to confirm what they are getting from their Higher Self. In this case, the tarot cards are a focusing tool. The same can be said of sticks, bones, runes, and tea leaves. The other type of tarot reader is the rote memory tarot reader. They typically do not rely on any psychic knowledge at all. All of these methods, except for the rote memory reader, can be quite useful in helping people make better choices for themselves and be aware of any obstacles or tragic events ahead of them. So, I would have to say, get with the right person, and you have some valid information. But this profession is like any other. There are good ones and bad ones. A famous person has been known to say that “they have no respect for magicians and the magician’s agenda to discount psychic experience.” A skeptic will always be a skeptic until they have a personal experience of their own. The skeptic serves a purpose. The skeptic is there to train enlightened people to ignore the negative aspects of life, because the negative aspects keep us mired in tragic events and chaos. Meanwhile, I think someone on here works for James Randi. True psychics don’t use anything remotely like what illusionists do. Only scam artists use those tactics. Psychics don’t give a crap about James Randi. Look into the Duke University parapsychology trials. Consider the remote viewing pursued by nearly every government on the planet. This can help you determine if psi experience has some validity. Avoid the scam artists. You will know them by their ego.

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