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Question by Peter: what is the magic in sharing wife/girlfriend with other man sexually???
What exactly is the reason why millions of couples all over this planet sharing there partners with with others for sexual pleassures and more and it seam to be every year more couples who try at least once and most of them get hooked for live this way. Why ? Women and man,please answere well.
So far quiet interesting answers but many dont think clearly.Think again.There must be 10s of millions who try’t and love,they still love each other,stay married,most of them are very intelligent like Dr.Judges,Presidents,your favored movie star or singer etc.You still think there dump.Can be 10s or hunderts of millions of man and women be wrong? They obviasly know something,many of your negative responds dont know,right?
Women can respond better so far.
I love you – women. Your smarter.
After all,your the one get’s most out of it and you deserve it !!!

Best answer:

Answer by goldlust74

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9 Responses to what is the magic in sharing wife/girlfriend with other man sexually???

  • J Carter says:

    It’s just a bit of fun. Freedom, can be a great aphrodisiac sometimes.

  • what? no donut! says:

    If you share your wife or girlfriend in this way………..there will never be magic the way it first was don’t be a fool

  • Bunny says:

    been there, done that, there’s no pleasure everyone gets hurt emotionally, don’t do it, don’t be selfish, you’ll be sorry

  • howdy_girl1 says:

    huh?well mabey it love but im single so i dont really no but i would have to say love!

  • lee t says:

    Simple ill show you mine and you ll show me yours.if you don’t have one ill show you what Ive got

  • lilmissy says:

    there r some unbelievably colossal wierdos wherever u go in the world…do ureself a favour and quit thinking of them…and good luck with ure life

  • Gerry says:

    Apparently they can’t be satisfied with just one! To them , it is a turn on

  • canucklehead1951 says:

    Most men are unable to satisfy the sexual needs of their wife/girlfriend and they know it. They are hoping that another man will succeed where they have failed.

  • krzykatj says:

    There is no magic in this ordeal and that I find it gay and biassed to see this sort of thing. The girl or guy is a hoe and that it shouldn’t be done any way.
    reasons it is done is feeling of inadequessy, test the partner to see if they would do it and if they do they do not love each other and or if they do they are messed up and sick people if they do it and are still in love.

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