Question by cninaz: What is the point of putting sage with crystals?
I finally bought some crystals from my local metaphysical store and the clerk put some sage(or what I believe to be sage) in the bag with my crystals. Does the sage cancel out the energy the crystals put off so they don’t combine and cause harm? Or was it just a blessing?
Thank you very much for the honest answers… so easy to get crappy people on here.
Best answer:
Answer by New World Man
Probably meant to provide you a “clean” set of crystals, so that no energy from other customers who had handled the stones would be present in your home.
Disclosure: I don’t believe this stuff myself, but I’m pretty sure that’s what metaphysical folks I know would say.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Boy did they see you coming.
What’s with the crystals? They are hunks of rock.
They are used in clocks because when you put an electric current through them they vibrate. its called the piezoelectric effect you can do the same thing with a lump of sugar.
Sage has long been believed to cleanse negative energy. Sage can also be used to bless or consecrate spiritual tools or sacred spaces (such as your crystals).
some pagans use sage to purify items or an area. He’s giving it to you so can burn the sage, have the smoke go over and around the crystals, so you can purify any previous energy they may have absorbed. Any negativity.