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Question by ? ?Mandy™? ?ExPress YourSelf? ?: What is the true history of Christmas? I know its a Pagan holiday but not sure about the history?

Actually I know for a fact its a Roman holiday but I am not sure about the rest of the story.
Hardly anyone of you were a help, just go to and look up true history or christmas.

Best answer:

Answer by October
December 25 was the birthday of the sun God.

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8 Responses to What is the true history of Christmas? I know its a Pagan holiday but not sure about the history?

  • Barry L says:

    Well it sure as hell isnt a Pagan Holiday. It is when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ

  • fairlady37 says:

    The Christians were being persecuted and when the pagans had their celebrations, what better time for the Christians to make that time a holy-day celebration. So it was decided that Christ was born on December 25 in the middle of the pagan celebrations.

  • doctorwhofan23 says:

    It is not Pagan. It is celebrating the birth of Jesus.

  • dragon says:

    Jesus Christ was actually born in the mid-late spring time but the church decided to change the celebration of christs birth to december in an effort to deflect from the pagan holidays with regards to their sun god etc and to try to convert pagans to christianty. Christmas is a christian holiday but some symbolic aspects of it are pagan in origin that many people don’t know about. Its all about the roman catholic church and a power trip.

  • Bugs Bunny says:

    Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, but it wasn’t widely celebrated until about the year 400. It was originally a solemn, not a festive holiday. The modern trappings of Christmas in America and much of the western world can be traced back to Victorian England (Christmas cards, caroling, gifts) and to Germany (the Christmas tree).

  • john g says:

    Christmas is not a pagan holiday. It literally means Christ’s Mass. Mass being what you celebrate on Sunday’s at a church. It happened to be celebrated by Christians — a chosen day since no one knows the exact day Jesus was born — near the time of a Roman pagan feast day too. The lie of it being a pagan holiday was started by the pilgrims who did not believe in celebrate Jesus’ Birth only is death (Resurection). It has been purpetuated by Jehovah Witnesses and churches who hate Catholics.
    The reason we give presents is because St. Nicolas, a 1st century bishop, dropped gold coins down the chimeny of a family who had three daughters who were being traded to slave prostitution to pay off a debt. The gold saved them from this immoral life. That morphed into the tradition of alms giving to the poor and later to simple gift giving. St. Nick in dutch is Sinter Klausen, which became the American Santa Clause. Melting Pot of culture that this country is. That is the short answer.

  • Three this week says:

    Ok people here we go. Study your world history. Short answer: The Romans adopted the Pagan gods when they conquered the Greeks. Remember the Roman and Greek gods and goddesses we leaned about in high school? When Constantine converted to Christianity and declared it the official religion of The Roman Empire a new calendar was developed which closely matched the pagan holidays. The thought was that it would be easier to convert the people if they did not have to give up the dates that they held celebrations. Kind of a transition… The winter solstice was celebrated from Dec.21-25 so it was decided that the 25th would be the date Christ’s birth would be overlayed onto the existing calendar. Easter is another example (Easter egg hunts don’t have anything to do with the Resurrection of Christ.) as well as All Saints day (Halloween.) As the people converted some of the traditions, customs, foods and so forth got mingled together and have followed together through time. Christmas is not a pagan holiday, it’s a Christian holiday that was inserted into the pagan calendar. The pagan holiday is the winter solstice celebration which has always been Dec 21-25.

  • happy2luvk9s says:

    go to and simply type in christmas.

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