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Question by The Psychoanalyzer: What is the universal opinion of my philosophy poem?
Have you ever wondered why
Mona-Lisa was a masterpiece?

Go on the quest of artistic vision
to realize its complexities

And you will see that average people
can be more then what they seem

And with this new enlightenment
the psychology of art shall gleam.

Best answer:

Answer by Anraskal
a ‘universal opinion’ is an oxymoron.
my personal opinion is that the sentiment in the third stanza is the crux of the poem, and it’s fine enough, but the fourth stanza is nonsense: there is no single “psychology of art.”

What do you think? Answer below!

4 Responses to What is the universal opinion of my philosophy poem?

  • charlesdaragon says:

    Sometimes a get a feeling that Monalisa is a transvetite version of the Vinci. And she has a light cumplicity’s smile of someone doing something nasty.

  • Emerson says:

    There is no universal opinion, only the Law of Persepectives

  • Sophist says:

    As a poem, it is not bad. However given your moniker and intent of the poem, I would suggest it would be better reviewed over in psychology.

  • RA123 says:

    Well, as a poet, I like the near-rhyme of Lines 2 and 4 much better than the contrived rhyme of Lines 6 and 8. It is, to say the least, “forced.”

    Clearly, the last two lines detract from the overall effect of the piece. The trick, in most good writing, is to “show” and not to “tell.”

    Construct your poem in such a way that it allows the reader to “discover” some new enlightenment. You might want to forgo the rhyme-scheme altogether and rework the poem with that in mind.

    Do consider Mona Lisa
    and her enigmatic smile.

    She is no beauty
    but a masterpiece,
    complex, average,
    and more, yet
    so much more
    than she may seem.

    And in this new enlightenment
    psychology of art must gleam.

    ~ alas ~ I have failed as well, but I hope you catch my meaning about poetry in general. I wanted to salvage your last point, but really want to eliminate such a non-poetic word as “psychology.” I need help here. But it’s been fun!

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