Question by crystal spring: What is your alternative lifestyle…religion, culture, belief system…How do you dress, act, etc., and why?
if your punk, emo, gay, hippie, lesbian, tatooed, pierced, etc.
hindu, muslim, jewish, pagan, etc.
native american, indian, etc.
what exactly is your culture about?
how does your clothing style/music/job/hobbies effect others?
are you a political activist, etc.?
who exactly are you?
why do you think you are the way you are?
Best answer:
Answer by jennear101
i am a blak/native american (sioux tribe)/hispanic, christian, tomboy (im not gay, though). i listen 2 rap/hip hop, r&b/soul, and sumtimes rock. a lot of ppl dont like the music i listen 2. well alot like r&b. i am not politically active, but i do like to stand up 4 wut is rite 4 both the native american and blak race, and alot of other races. i am the way i am bcuz of my family. i get my lov 4 music from my brothers. i like writing and playing football and reading. usually me playing football upsets one of my brothers cuz im a girl but i dont care.
Give your answer to this question below!
Unitarian Universalist- (believe in various aspects of buddhism, eastern philosophies, reincarnation, karma, and God as a duality (male and female)
Non-clique- dress like a skater/punk rocker, listen to goth metal and hip-hop
Love “new age” stuff- runes, crystals, astrology, angel cards, spiritual advisors
I’m the way I am because that’s me
i am boring a wasp who is color blind!!!
I am a woman, gen y/x, Black, American, daughter, aunt, neice, sister, level-headed rebel, debater, designer, music afficianado, head banger, hip hopper, punk rocker, all nighter, out-going homebody, revolutionary who hates labels. The future will be televised.
I am an African American woman of the 30 something age, A mother of 2 ( son and daughter ), opinionated, outspoken, aggressive, got me a little bit of ink..looking for something else to spark my eye, I love my black men….they are the only men for me……that is nothing against any other cultures….just my preference…..I try to keep it real, I am not an activist….but I stand up for my rights , I am honest, dependable, monogamous, sincere, loyal and loving….I am an eclectic person….for the most part….I could live in hoodies and jeans w/ timbs….always been a tom boy, I love reading, writing and poetry…..I listen to all kinds of music except metal and hard rock…..I really love neo- soul, jazz, spoken word, and real R-n-B……I think I am the person I am because of my Mother…..she has always been that person who let me be me…I was never really into that girly stuff unless I was doing my Mothers hair or nails….I thought boys were yucky forever until I noticed them noticing me…after puberty…I believe I have a good foundation because my mom was strict on me….and I never wanted to disappoint her…she is my everything….she is my reason for me being me.
Great question!
I’m a heterosexual, Christian, French/English/Irish Newfoundlander, post-op transsexual girly-girl!
My culture is Newfoundlander, with tidbits of other Canadian cultures thrown in. I dress regularly, as most other women (skirts, pants, t-shirts, jeans, blouses, you name it!).
I love music (mostly playing and singing, rather than listening), and I’m not sure how that affects others.
I’m not a political activist, though some think I should be in politics (yeah, as if!)
I’m just me, nothing extraordinary or special, just me.
I’m the way I am because of many reasons, both from nature and from nurture, and my own personal life experiences.