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What Is Your Fitness Age Compared To Your Real Age

We all want to look younger than our years as witnessed by the phenomenal increase in cosmetic surgery for both sexes and fads such as collagen and Botox. But there is a new way of staying young and it has nothing to do with painful injections and surgery. It is using the very powerful tool of strength and fitness to look and feel much younger than your actual age.

Gone are the days when only models, athletes and Hollywood stars worry about their looks and aging. There is now a trend that focus’s on your “fitness” age and not just the number of candles on your birthday cake. Fitness age can be determined and measured by a number of factors: muscle strength, body composition (muscle to fat ratio) aerobic capacity, endurance, flexibility and balance.

Many leading fitness experts believe that 70 percent of your fitness age is within your control. Your genes and your medical history predetermine the other 30 percent. For the people that want to look and feel decades younger you could view age 60 as the new age 40. There are some great role models that demonstrate this such as Goldie Hawn and Harrison Ford.

There is so little natural activity in our modern lifestyles both at work and in our leisure time, most people do little else but sit all day. Unless you replace that with proper exercise the body is deteriorating so much faster that no amount of cosmetic or surgical procedures could keep up with it.

External fix up jobs may hide what is happening on the outside of the body for a little while but big time deterioration is still happening on the inside if a proper exercise program is not being performed. Without vigorous movement there is no way for the stimulation of the “youth”

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