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Question by nicole: what kind of cloth and box/bag do you think I should use for my tarot cards?
I know you should with what is right for you, but I only know that I don’t want to use a black cloth because for me black is too dark and negative. I can’t decided what suits my personality best…and what are the best ways to cleanse them, what oils etc should I use?
I was thinking of using a scarf that belonged to my late grandmother as the cloth, because I feel like she’s looking after me anyway. would this be a good idea? 🙂
I’d rather use a different box. I don’t really like the whole serious wooden box thing that some people do. its all very gothic
no more religious nuts please
nekhet, you are my favourite so far, but no way could I sticth my nans scarf its all I have left of her, she practically raised me

Best answer:

Answer by Saturday Night Live
My friend uses satin.

she says it helps keep the cards slick.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

10 Responses to what kind of cloth and box/bag do you think I should use for my tarot cards?

  • Amiable Atheist says:

    Loin cloths.

  • Rev. Marvin says:

    I keep my Robin Wood deck in the box it came in 🙂

  • Ol' Doc says:

    Felt bag

  • angel says:

    The Mythology section could answer this one.

  • reinadelaz says:

    I recommend a trash bag. After they have been burned to ash, of course. Believe what you want, but life experience has taught me that those things cannot be used for good intentions. God bless you.

  • Hissy_fit says:

    Er… if you truly believe in the power of prediction the cards give you, what kind of cloth it is won’t make one whit of difference >_>;

    On the other hand, you should just pick what’s right for you- what fabric you think feels the best, which color you like the best. As for cleaning….dry clean?

    Seriously, a box is better.

  • Nekhtet says:

    You can find simple boxes at any yard sale or online that have simple symbols on them (I have one with the Eye of Horus).

    I would recommend if you can sew than make the bag out of the scarf. If you can knit or crochet you can find patterns….I know of one on

  • Dionyus says:

    I don’t think it really matters, what you should do is study metaphysics, astrology, etc. etc. etc. and your cards more than anything, and gain a higher understanding of them.

  • dynollis says:

    Oh, I think the scarf would be great! I’d put them in a box too, however. What about those photo storage boxes? You know the little ones, you can buy at craft stores? Just to keep them all together and safe. To cleanse them? I slept with them under my pillow for three nights. ‘Charged’ them with my energy so to speak. Lavender and sage always work nicely (they smell good too!). 🙂

  • SadharaSatguru says:


    You can keep them in the box if you wish. It is of no consequence what you keep them in as long as they are safe from being bent, damaged etc.

    20 + years with Tarot.

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