Question by I’m just me: What kind of stone is this?¤t=IMG_1987.jpg¤t=IMG_1987.jpg
There was a big bin of mixed stones, and they told you what SOME of the stones were, but not this one. I was drawn to it, and I’m wondering why… but I need to know what stone it is before I can look up its metaphysical properties.
a friend of mine mentioned that it might be jasper, but I can’t find ANY pictures of jasper that look anything like this.
thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by halcon
It is not Jasper which is a dull red (if not polished), and not sparkly – this looks like one of those artificial stones (artificial micro crystal) that are made…..therefore no “properties” to speak of. Have a look at the crystal pictures here
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
gold stone. its a specail type of stone that has bits of copper that exploded in it making the sparkle effect. I have one too.
I agree with Roses and Moons. It looks a lot like goldstone.
Yep that’s goldstone alright, they do it in blue too which I want!
As for properties well… it’s debatable, some say none since it’s man made, others say it doesn’t matter how it’s made:
It’s called gold stone. It’s not a Jasper. Very pretty!
It is goldstone. This also comes in a blue variety.
Yup, it’s goldstone and it is man made. The blue ones are absolutely lovely, it’s like looking at the night sky, you can get lost in it.
Goldstone is a reconstructed gem stone that was accidentally discovered during Renaissance by Italian monks. Into a container of molten glass dropped molten copper. The copper crystallized into thousand of tiny specs and created a mixture that is full of tiny stars reflecting light. Although goldstone is not a gem stone technically speaking, it is regarded as such. Goldstone is also considered an energy stone that gently uplifts mood.
Goldstone Associations:
Chakras – (gold) Sacral Chakra, (blue) Throat Chakra
Typical colours – gold or blue with golden sparkles
Goldstone is actually a man-made stone. Its sparkle is due to flecks of copper. It is said to be the stone of ambition. It builds energy, courage and a positive attitude. Increases drive and confidence. A gently uplifting stone, Goldstone promotes vitality.
Goldstone helps to reduce stomach tension and benefits arthritic conditions. It is helpful to bones, painful joints and circulation.
I learned something new, I didn’t know that there was flecks of copper in it.
If I was to use my intuition, I would say that your brown one is for increased physical energy and positive mood.
I have meditated on the blue one. It kind of draws you in. I would say that they are also good for meditation and maybe increased psychic activity but I don’t know if the gold one does the same as the blue.
Idk but have you seen “Knowing” yet??? Aliens might be leaving them for you. lol Or maybe they’re telling me to tell you to watch “Knowing”. It’s out on dvd now. I watched it twice. Best movie I’ve seen in a long time.