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What Muhammad has done with the war’s captives?

The Real Love Story of Zaynab and Abul-Aas


Zaynab was the oldest Muhammad’s daughter

Zaynab and Abul-Aas were cousins.

Abul-Aas went to Muhammad and said to him: I want to marry Zaynab.

Muhammad said to him: I have to take her permission first.

Muhammad went to Zaynab and said: O my daughter, your cousin Abul-Aas wants to marry you, would you like him to be your husband?

Zaynab’s face became shyly red; she smiled and said nothing.

Muhammad knew her answer; he smiled too and went out.

Abul-Aas married Zaynab; and a powerful love story began.

This marriage happened before Muhammad Prophethood.

They were very happily married and Zaynab gave birth to two children.


At this time, the Arabs were idolaters; they used to worship many statues made of stones. 

Then all of a sudden, something unique happened.

Zaynab’s father announced that he is the last Prophet sent by Allah.

Muhammad’s wife Khadija, all of his daughters including Zaynab and his cousin Ali believed in him and embraced Islam without any hesitation; because they knew that Muhammad never ever said but the truth.


Then a serious problem began between the two happily married couple.

Abul-Aas was traveling, and when he returned back home, the leaders of his tribe (his father was one of them) met him and told him that his wife Zaynab belied their gods and she changed her religion and they warned him not to follow her; because it is shameful for a man to follow a woman.  A man of his tribe screamed at him: Divorce her; she was contaminated with a mental disorder and a disgrace to the tribe.


Upon entering his house, Zaynab

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