to take her permission first.
And Muhammad went to Zaynab and said to her: O my daughter, Abul-Aas wants to marry you.
Zaynab’s face became shyly red; she smiled and said nothing.
Muhammad knew her answer; he smiled too and went out.
They married and live together again.
They were an example of a very happily married couple.
Then one year later, Zaynab died.
The Prophet said at the time of her death: “She was my best daughter for she has suffered much in the path of Allah.”
For every moment after her death, Abul-Aas missed her a lot, and then he died after her death by one year.
Safaa Abdel-Aziz
Co-Chief Editor, October Weekly magazine, Cairo, Egypt.
Member of the Egyptian Society of Save Children.
Member of the Egyptian Society of Tourism

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