Question by anthony36593: What Next Red Hot Chili Pepper Song Should I Learn On the Guitar?
I already Know Under the Bridge and Soul to Squeez i was looking for a song to learn like around Blood Sugar Sex Magik era
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Answer by Amazed
Tell me Baby
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Snow ((Hey OH))
Dani California!!!
Dude realy!
“cant stop”
Yeah, Dani California. That’s my favorite song by the way.
Go for suck my kiss or give it away
If your willing to go a bit later try By The Way, Cant Stop or Slow Cheetah
I Could Have Lied
Blood Sugar Sex Magik era? Why not I Could Have Lied for something more sweet and slow?
Sir Psycho Sexy is an amazing song too, but I think it would be better if you have the other parts though (at least that’s what I think). That would be my second choice, though