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Question by fatalbertxxxxx: what pagan rite or custom did thanksgiving stem from?

Best answer:

Answer by Resh Galuta
none. the pilgrims made it thru a hard winter, then had a good crop and decided to celebrate with a huge feast. Thats all there is to it.

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4 Responses to what pagan rite or custom did thanksgiving stem from?

  • jimi4950 says:

    It was all made up and claimed thanksgiving by Abe Lincoln. I give thanks every day not just one day a year. Maybe that’s a part of the problem within us all.

  • yahoo anwers sux says:

    made it thru a hard winter huh, last i checked crops didnt grow in winter, or were even affected by the winter,

  • dances_with_unicorns1955 says:

    It didn’t; Thanksgiving started in the U.S., when the first settlers chose to give thanks for their survival. It’s one of the few holidays that doesn’t have a religious background, other than the concept of thankfulness itself, and (possibly) prayers offered to a deity.

  • sharmel says:

    I don’t speak from factual information, but I always thought it was probably closely linked to a corresponding event in UK.. Harvest Festival, which I once read came from a Pagan celebration for the gathering of the harvests, when the appropriate Gods were honored and thanked for having permitted a .bountiful harvest. In the UK, Harvest Festival isn’t so much celebrated with gathering of family, and feasting as making offerings of fruit, vegetables and other harvest-related eatables to churches for distribution to the poor, or to places like hospitals and rest homes, and homeless shelters I’m sure there has to be a common link between that and the Thanksgiving event in the U.S. not forgetting that it was after all brought to these shores along with those who became the earliest settlers.

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