Question by patzky99: what parts of your future are best kept secret?
if you could peer into the crystal ball, or have your tarot read, what things in your future would you prefer NOT to know about? why?
Best answer:
Answer by Kels
How I die, and who I marry
What do you think? Answer below!
Anything related to death. The exact time and circumstances of my own death and, especially, the death of the persons I love most. I’m not zen enough to be able to live with that kind of information.
Death for obvious reasons…err, like i don’t want to know!
I wish I could know how I will die! ( lol …. I’m …crazy … ? )
Everything can be kept a secret.
Knowing the future would add stress no matter how you look at it.
I do not want to know anything.
Life is made of unpredictable happenings and that is how we have not only to face those events but also to discover our self , which is very important.
Death and destruction
I don’t want to know when I am going to die.
I’m a curious person and i enjoy my tarot cards read… But to this question, I agree with all the others i wouldn’t want to know illness, or death! mine or my loved ones.
i wouldnt wanna know wot will happen with me mom
I wouldn’t want to know anything. I want to just live my life with the surprises that come with it
Knowing my future would effect my present.
no crystal ball or tarot will tell your future because you have free will to do what you want, choose what you want to do, and change it if you feel like. That having been said, there is no secret or future either of those could tell me about. They are “entertainment games”…do you know what entertainment or fun means?
The way and date of your death. What more would you have live for. Life is the search for the unknown, if it is known you see no value. My group believe anything over thirty years is a gift from God for several have not seen thirty.