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Question by Ahmed Z: What role does philosophers (if any) have in a post metaphysical world?
To break down the question:
What is the Post Metaphysical World?
Are Immanuel Kant, Fredrich Hegel, and Karl Marx post metaphysical philosophers?
If so, What is their role in the Post Metaphysical World?

Best answer:

Answer by Yaoi Shonen-ai
EVERY WORD in every language except proper names represents something metaphysical. Who told you we are in a post-metaphysical world? Those philosophers who say we can know nothing? That all is “relative.”
Without metaphysics, we would have no language.

What do you think? Answer below!

2 Responses to What role does philosophers (if any) have in a post metaphysical world?

  • grayure says:

    The world is not post-metaphysical. Philosophy is not dead, it is just in the interests of certain groups to convince others that it is in order to stop them thinking critically about the dominant and morally bankrupt philosophy promoted by the current way of life.

  • wordweevil says:

    Ahmed, maybe I’m outta my league as my familiarity with Kant, Hegel and Marx is of the overview sort, and I’m not sure what you mean by post metaphysical world. Since metaphysics is literally after physics but is generally used in reference to supernatural or paranormal subject matter I will just share my take on your question as I understand it.

    When I hear the term “Post Metaphysical World” in this context I think of a world view, cosmology which is not ultimately pinned to some supernatural conception like an anthropomorphic god “who” serves philosophy in such roles as every thing from “first cause” through watchmaker all the way to master puppeteer in the sky.

    With that in mind my notion of the “post metaphysical world” is the same old world, but instead of being philosophically pinned to that anthropomorphic god, being pinned to the LOGOS. This LOGOS though is not translated to “the Word”, but as the overarching, organizing principle of logic. Out of this/these principles the new paradigm is derived by processes of sensory perception, inductive reasoning, and organization of all the parts into an increasingly cohesive understanding of the experience of consciousness and Being. I understand that exploitation of these methods is limited and at their termination mystery may remain, but according to the term “Post Metaphysical” the mystery cannot be projected as “super” natural (much less anthropomorphic or anthropocentric!)

    Kant and Hegel, in my view, were beginning to transcend the notion of “metaphysics”, and Marx a little further along the path of that particular trajectory of thought. (In other aspects I tend to think of Marx as not being of the same caliber as Kant or Hegel, but that may be just because I haven’t studied him and was reared in an antagonistic cultural context shall we say.)

    Whether in the metaphysical or post metaphysical worlds Kant, Hegel and Marx provide valuable “shoulders” on which we stand to take in our current perspectives.

    I do not think philosophy is dead because I understand it as a means to find the way to the optimum life. I’m not convinced that task has been completed.

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