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Question by ‘Always Ask Why’: What should be my next philosophy class metaphysics or epistemology? And why?
I know quite a lot about both disciplines, just want some additional inuput on which you feel should be my next formal class for my major. Also, in a formal and structured class, which is better for argumentation?

Best answer:

Answer by Doctor J
Why not take both?

What do you think? Answer below!

5 Responses to What should be my next philosophy class metaphysics or epistemology? And why?

  • the_two says:

    ultimately they are one and the same thing. Metaphysics is the study of Existence, and Epistemology is the study of Knowledge. Existence is Knowledge. Take a class on Ontology and you have both disciplines together.

  • Happy Hiram says:

    Metaphysics is historically “older” and so the material will in some sense predate the epistemological material. Otherwise, I see no reason for not taking whichever one is at the best time, or which one will be harder to schedule next semester.

  • mtheoryrules says:

    What is reality should come before what is knowledge don’t you think?
    I think one would want to know what reality is before they began to explore how they might gain knowledge there in.

  • Doctor Y says:

    “Does Truth exist?” (a metaphysical question) would seem to trump “Can I know the Truth?” (an epistemological one). So I’m going to have to go with metaphysics. Contrariwise, I suspect that issues are more clearly laid out in epistemology and more amenable for argumentation, so if that’s your focus it would probably be the better choice. My opinion only, of course. A big difference can occur in who, exactly, is leading each particular class, so you may wish to investigate that too.

  • Alan Turing says:

    Really depends on what you want to do with your major.

    If you want to get into phenomenology or cognitive sciences you want a firmer grounding in epistemology.

    If you are more oriented towards aesthetics, religious studies, and existentialism you might want to take metaphysics.

    But if you have the time you should take both just to get a better feel for what you want to explore later on.

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