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Question by Lindsay M: What the best beginner tarot book that comes with cards?

Best answer:

Answer by Miss 6
When I learned I used the Hanson-Robert Tarot Deck with the companion guide called Tarot Unveiled:The Method to Its Magic.
That was back in 1992 when I was 13 I don’t think that they sell the Deck and the book together anymore, but I may be wrong.
I liked the Method to Its Magic because in the back she goes over combination cards like if you have 3 of cups, 4 of Rods, 10 of Pentacles, 10 of Cups and/or the Lovers – 2 or more of those card combinations can mean marriage.
I liked that about that book. She also goes over timing too. Good book for beginners – IMO.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

3 Responses to What the best beginner tarot book that comes with cards?

  • Sadhara Satguru says:

    Hello Lindsay

    Have a look on Amazon, go to what you feel drawn to.

    Join our forum if you wish, we have lots of Tarot rooms & I also have a Tarot & Psychic Dev Course that goes all over globe.


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  • WebWeaver says:

    You might want to check out The Complete Tarot Kit.
    ISBN#: 1572813458
    It comes with a version of both the Thoth & the Rider-Waite, as well as a book. This will give you two different types of decks to play with and find which you like. The more illustrated versus a more modern abstract. They are both good decks and as a teacher I always suggest the Rider-Waite as a starting point. I’m not sure there is a “best”, but this is a good place to start, and A has it on sale right now. A deck runs about $20, for $10 more your getting another deck and a book :o)

  • Lillith says:

    Many decks these days comes with a companion book that goes along with that particular deck.
    Some decks can be bought with OR without books.
    The deck you choose should be one that you are drawn to, has art and a theme that you really like and can connect with.
    If you already have a deep interest in knowledge in, say, Fairies, then find a fairy deck. If it is dragons, find a dragon deck.
    Just about anything has been made into a tarot deck.

    Just as there are 100’s of decks out there, there are just as many, if not more books on tarot.
    I really like Mary K Greer, especially her book “Tarot for Yourself”
    It is more than just; here’s the card, this is it’s meaning, here are some spreads to try….
    She really gets into the dynamics of the cards and the psyche.

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