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Question by aidan402: What, truly, is “soul”?
Philosophy concerns itself with what is the best way to live (ethics), what sorts of things really exist and what are their true natures (metaphysics), what is to count as genuine knowledge (epistemology), and what are the correct principles of reasoning (logic)
A soul by definition is: the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life.The spiritual principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe.
Christinaity defines the soul as: Most Christians regard the soul as the immortal essence of a human – the seat or locus of human will, understanding, and personality – and that after death, God either rewards or punishes the soul.
Philosopher Anthony Quinton said the soul is a “series of mental states connected by continuity of character and memory, [and] is the essential constituent of personality. The soul, therefore, is not only logically distinct from any particular human body with which it is associated.
Aristotle, following Plato, defined the soul as the core essence of a being, but argued against its having a separate existence. For instance, if a knife had a soul, the act of cutting would be that soul, because ‘cutting’ is the essence of what it is to be a knife. Unlike Plato and the religious traditions, Aristotle did not consider the soul as some kind of separate, ghostly occupant of the body (just as we cannot separate the activity of cutting from the knife). As the soul, in Aristotle’s view, is an activity of the body
So, using these, and other philosophers views, such as the Christian philosopher Richard Swinborn (spelling?) I have drawn the conclusion that a soul is the incorporeal essence of a person moral, ethical and religious life. That it is distinctly different, and separate from, the spirit, and that it has no life, life force, or continuation after the death of the corporeal body.
Is there a flaw in my conjecture?

Best answer:

Answer by Gifted w/a Malady
All of those sources have interesting concepts of the soul. But if you ask me, the soul isn’t real. Either it is just a metaphor for our unique characteristics or something people imagine as eternal so death doesn’t seem like the end, even though all evidence points to it being the end.

What do you think? Answer below!

5 Responses to What, truly, is “soul”?

  • blue print says:

    the darkness behind the eyes. the bit that is you and keeps you from being just another face.

  • ashok says:

    Soul ! soul of life. one’s soul ! in fact if you are truely interested to understand and to practice then just listen what I am telling you. in fact I am in search of true guru who knows this truth, net is one medium if any true guru is reading my query and reply who understand what I mean then certainly he will communicate to me. ok now your answer if you honestly read it. ” soul in the existence is only one soul or you can say life enabling force, which appears to be so many but it is only one…. in between there are many temperory existence status which varies each moment of time incremental. by nature since this only one in the stable form where it probably ceases to be in being or existence. perhaps one of the two basic properties of soul or the life force or the very reason of creation is disintigeration towards the initial stability. in between ‘n’ number of stages comes where in some of the stages you are created and you live a segment life in the infinite line of life. but life is already eternal and there is no question of birth and death for which generally all the philosophers are worried for. Secondly the dis-integrated soul goes back to the one and the initial stages where again the same process is repeated for infinite times. why it happens no body knows or rather it is not possible to think even, still daring to say, it may be the basic nature of that initial viod. e.g. I shall tel you that anything like, material, liquid, gas or even thinking, anthing which is in the nature is not same w.r.t. position, mass, energy and volume because it is changing itself towards last stability or soul.

  • Barbara V says:

    Soul is who you are. The body is just a temple of your soul.

  • henryredwons says:

    soul is dang good music

  • Fuzzy says:

    You’re already focusing on the kernel of the problem. Whose definition should you accept? That is the problem!

    The common concept of Christians may be as you stated; however, the Bible defines a soul as either animal or human. To be a soul the being must have blood in its veins and the word refers to the whole being.

    Thus about Christ Jesus, in the King James Bible and in ASV, we read in Isaiah 53:12 that his soul died. Thus all souls die when their bodies die! Much more extensive proof is available upon request.

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