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What You Need To Know About The 10 Wow Character Classes

Take the time to learn about the 10 different Character Class choices that you have before you first start playing World of Warcraft (WoW) online.

Your WoW Character Class choice is important because it’s going to affect what you (your character) can or cannot do throughout your WoW gaming experience.

The Character Class you choose will allow you to use only certain weapons and armor and will allow you to gain only certain powers, spells, skills and abilities. Your choice of a Wow Character Class limits your choice of race and each class has three talent trees.

There are 10 Character Classes to choose from but only the first 9 choices are available before your reach level 55:

Druid – If you play as a Druid, you’ll be a hybrid character that can act like other characters if you choose the right shape-shifting form.

Hunter – Hunters are the only class that can use ranged weapons effectively and as a main source of damage.

Mage – Playing as a Mage means you’ll have weak armor and low health but you’ll have very, very powerful direct and area effect damage spells.

Paladin – Another hybrid class is Paladin. They can melee DPS (Damage Per Second), tank, or heal. If you choose to play as a Paladin, you’ll have very strong group support and buff abilities.

Priest – As a Priest you’ll have tricks like mind control, dispel magic and cure disease up your sleeve. A Priest is a versatile healing class and can heal a one character or an entire party.

Rogue – In WoW Melee is a form of combat that requires the attacker to be relatively close to the target. As

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