Question by orangeacid: whats it called when someone goes into the wilderness alone, doesnt talk or eat for 3-4days as spiritual quest?
Might have originated from Native American cultures? It has a name, but I can’t remember it D : and no, I’m not thinking of vision quest. Any answers would be greatly appreciated!
Best answer:
Answer by X Jonesy X
I think that is called a vision quest, but I’m not entirely sure.
What do you think? Answer below!
Spirit Quest, Walk about, Vision Quest, Fasting, Communing with Nature, Communing with the Gods. All of these are applicable.
vision quest,, or stupid.
Spiritual Suicide.
A spiritual quest?
Crazy comes to mind.
Animal bait.
Peter Griffin and his son went on one of these when Lois lost their car at an indian casino. I forget what they called it though, sorry. Dream Quest?
Anyway… it’s a spiritual program.
I do not know the definition you are looking for, but in truth it cannot be called spiritual.
Spirituality is the opposite of a lonely, self mortifying quest.
It is all about the connection to others, while using all the desires, all the details we were born with, or have with us.
Isolation, individual meditation, rejection of others or the world takes us away from spirituality.
I hope it helps, all the best.