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his inquiries. It was easy to blame the upheaval on the changing direction of the wind.

We’d right the craft. Then, without missing a beat, Joe would come back to the same question he’d asked before we went flying into the water. When he started in on me again, I used the scorching heat as an excuse to dive off the boat for a quick, refreshing dip. I simply wanted to enjoy the wind, water and sun. Unwavering in following his inner urgings, Joe had a totally different scenario in mind—or rather, in his heart.

Joe was very curious about my daily lifestyle. He felt that I, as a “spiritual” person, must be living in a completely different way than most people.

He was, of course, right on the mark. But I didn’t want to admit to myself the full extent of my distance from normality, let alone confess it to others. Up to that point in my life, I’d observed that abnormal behavior attracts social attention that isn’t always friendly or benign. So, I kept my sacred side as secret as I could.

Eventually, however, Joe wore me down. I threw in the towel. Even though we’d only just become acquainted, I decided to relate to Joe as if he were an old trusted buddy. I responded spontaneously and honestly to his unrelenting barrage of inquires. He asked about my friendships, finances, travels, love life, and eating, meditation and sleeping habits.

Over the course of his persistent Neo-Inquisition, I discovered and revealed miraculous events and magical encounters that I’d totally forgotten—or, more accurately stated—that I’d been hiding from myself. I unearthed successes and skills that I had glossed over, discounted, or outright denied until that

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