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Question by two_kee_kees: What’s the deal with these extremely sexual questions being posted by 15 year old girls?
I have seen two questions today supposedly asked by 15 year old girls.. the spelling and grammar is awful and the questions are regarding pubic hair and masturbating. I think it’s some foreign dude trying to be a sicko. Has anyone else noticed this? The questions are not anything a normal 15 year old girl would ask. Can you report that or would it not get removed?

Best answer:

Answer by Willow Wisp
I dunno, it sounds like a normal 15 year old girl might ask those questions. Especially with how sexual society is these days… also, this is the internet, so if someone really wanted to get those kinds of questions answered, they might do it here where they can be anonymous.

Oooor, maybe it is a sicko. I have no idea why that wouldn’t be removed, especially since my poll about eating chocolate late at night was removed…

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9 Responses to What’s the deal with these extremely sexual questions being posted by 15 year old girls?

  • veggie_kathy says:

    Click on the flag underneath the question, and report it. Yahoo will decide whether or not to delete the question. They can look to see if there is a pattern.

  • Steven H says:

    To go and ask a parent, means that a ”secret” is revealed but asking on the net (hence, yahoo questions/answers) keeps it a private question, most teenager’s parents would automatically ask ”Why do you want to know that”? thus exposing themselves to a lot of embarrassing questions and possible suspicions.

    As for people getting ”knocked off” yahoo answers watch ”Faisal” 4 steps after me, that one will soon be ”bumped off” for that answer they gave

  • aqua says:

    did you see yahoo page just finish reading it just the usually hormal in cattle and chicken been past though the food change

  • Miyu Kanata Saiyonji says:

    That’s hot

  • kittycats says:

    Yes, it can be reported. And, yes, it will be removed.
    Yahoo A team doesn’t read all the questions. They leave it up to us to come across things like this, and bring it to their attention.
    If no one does…. the offensive stuff stays.

  • Faisal says:

    how about this lezbo ? u dont answer my Qs and i dont answer yours ,, keep ur Qs to ur self , keep ur aids to ur self , keep ur great opinions to ur self, i dont like you lol..your mean tho
    and yeah i discover brianwashed people everyday who says the world isnt exicting?

  • Jesse says:

    I am a 15 year old girl myself (really! I’m not a ‘foreign dude trying 2 b a sicko!’) and I can understand why sum 15 yr old girls might ask those kinda questions. At this age we’re just discovering about sex n stuff so it’s only 2b expected they will ask about stuff like that.

  • Hana says:

    I dunno… Totally been mildly harassed by ELEVEN year old girls… Don’t wanna find out what’ll happen once they’ve turned fifteen.

  • Jarantim Ploculman says:

    Hey girl, I don’t know you or that Faisal dude, but I kind of want to beat his @ss for disrespecting you like that.

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