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Question by Cam: What’s Wrestlemania gonna be like in 20 years?
Like just thinking o something crazy, like what Wrestlemania 54 is going to be like, and if there’s even gonna be a wrestlmania that far in the future. how many WM do you think there will be?

BQ: where the hell is Kung Funaki? Is he on some vision quest to come back someday?

Best answer:

Answer by ? The Bio-Hazard ?
The ring will be floating (thats kinda cool)
I hope there is wrestling in the future

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

9 Responses to What’s Wrestlemania gonna be like in 20 years?

  • mjr says:

    this year cmll is going to have their 76th anniversary show, so anything is possible

  • The Whole F'n Show (TNATION) says:

    I dont even think that wrestling is still gonna be around, espically if we have newer and greater technology.

  • Hardyrocker.x says:

    I dnt think they will ever end wrestlemania!!!!!!! Its the heart and soul of WWE..I guess there will be more technology and better stuff out by then so maybe wrestlemania will be In the air 🙂

    BQ-I dont know..I guess he is taking time off…

  • The Rider says:

    My crystal ball says the main event will be……..Android Vince McMahon vs a Wise cracking Gorilla

    lol don`t know haven`t seen him in some time.

  • Krispen Wah says:

    Kung Fu Naki will beat John Cena Jr. for the Undisputed Championship of the Universe at WrestleMania 46.

  • The True Clown Prince of Crime says:

    Undertaker will be 44-0 by then.

  • sharpshooter82691 says:

    Taker streaks: 38-0? LOL. kidding. He deserves to retired. He needs it.

    If we look past the 2012 thing, in my theory, Wrestling will become more hardcore. I think WWE is trying to focus more on kids as a fan base. In 20 years, they will grow up as hardcore wrestling fans. With the times changing, Teens and adult will demand more hardcore matches. Depending on who will own WWE (I doubt Vince will be running it still) they will oblige to the fans. So I think in 20 years, Wrestlemania will be more hardcore like Wrestlemania 17. I think the idea of traditional wrestling will die and everyone would demand hardcore. And if science doesn’t fail us, you can expect more hardcore things due to medicine. Just adding. But yeah. As wrestlings fans get younger in the future (I doubt they can reverse age growth yet, I meant young fans become interested) they will demand blood and weapons. Not wrestling. Something I don’t want. I much prefer traditional wrestling.

    And a majority of the main eventers we see today will already be in the hall of fame.

    And let me just say, personal thought, you don’t have to agree. NO HBK = LAME WRESTLEMANIA. I fear the young stars wouldn’t be able to put out a great match.

    BQ: I don’t know. Training with Mr. Miyagi? If you don’t get that reference, your too young and missing out on a good movie. I hope he comes back. I think he will do great in the tag team division. Crusierweights these days tend too.

  • sd1 says:

    well idk if the wwe owner Vince will be around in 20 years
    but if thier is wwe in 20 years
    wwe will be presented in HD3D
    but besides that well it will be the same i mean they havent changed anything since WM 1 except for new matches and adding pyro to the ring
    so ya
    but maybe there will be a floating ring like the other guy said

    wrestlemania will i think go up to 40 just depends on how long wwe last
    if it last for 20 years than sure it could go up as high as it wants

    BQ: he probably got released

  • Boaz says:

    it will be persented in 3dhd

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