When Are Spells Performed?
The presentation of magic entails use of words (such as spells or charms) and symbolic numbers that are considered to possess a natural power and ritual actions presented by the magician or other accomplice. A spell or incantation is thought to draw power from mystical interventions to achieve magic.
Spells are words spoken in a series of procedure with magical objective. The accurate performance, often with supplementary actions, is believed to set free paranormal power.
When are Spells Performed?
While rituals will sometimes have required timings, spells typically have them. Timing is significant in both African-American as well as European-American spells. However, not every spell includes timing. Here are some or the examples:
· The Position of the Sun. Voodoo practices include some moon-lore, but also places particular emphasis on the position of the sun such as dawn. These spells require the work to be done early in the morning and must be done precisely at dawn.
· The Phase of the Moon. Magical traditions also emphasize the importance of the phase of the moon in timing a spell. A clear example would be chanting during a full moon.
· Use of the Calendar. Folk magic occasionally includes the dates of the calendar as part of a spell. For instance, there is a group of spells applied by women to catch sight of their husbands-to-be and these spells (like sleeping with certain objects under the pillow) are often said to be effective only when performed on a certain calendar date (e.g. February 14, which is Valentine’s Day)
Whether your concern is white magic spells or black magic spells or how to take off jinxes and crossed conditions, spells
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