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WARNING: THIS VIDEO CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE AND VIOLENCE Here’s part 2: Hitler’s Christianity: This crazy Christian Nazi biker gang member wannabee stalked me for almost a year. The police couldn’t do anything because they had no clear evidence of a crime. So I got some for them. This is that evidence. We had to edit the hell out of it before posting it here, but the edited out material was not relevant to anything else said in the video. I used this video against him, and he did time in state prison for it. No, we never found out exactly why he was so angry at me. No one ever made that clear, certainly not him. I theorize that it was because I began calling the police whenever he’d show up at my office. I also didn’t respond to him verbally. That really pissed him off. No, I don’t consider him to be a typical Christian. I consider him to be an irrational person within an irrational religion. By the way: “We’re Pagans…” refers to the Pagans, an outlawed motorcycle gang here in America, and NOT the friendly religious group called “pagans.” The hand gesture he gave was the revving of a motorcycle. From: “The Pagans Motorcycle Club is a “one-percenter” motorcycle gang formed by Lou Dobkins in 1959 in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Known colloquially as simply The Pagans, the club rapidly expanded, and by 1968 they dominated the entire US East Coast. The Pagans are categorized an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang by the FBI.” For
Video Rating: 3 / 5

25 Responses to When Christians Misbehave – Christian Nazi Attacks! Part 1

  • Imhornydadcomeinside says:

    Adolph hitler was a god? Yeah I heard about the white mans church! He’s probably in it, what’s it called again?

  • Ridge3210 says:

    a real intellectual giant… :S public property means the guy recording can walk on that too.

  • acesoverkings22 says:

    You did have the right to film him and present this in a court of law but posting any material that was used in a court of law to prosecute someone and then publicly displaying it on the internet with what i am assuming is without his consent is in violation of his rights. You are misinformed , Just a heads up pal.

  • aajoeyjo says:

    @acesoverkings22 @acesoverkings22 No, in order to sue, he’d have to prove that he was harmed physically, mentally, or financially by me taping this. He’d also have to prove that I didn’t have a legal right to tape it. Law enforcement already told both of us I had the right.

  • aajoeyjo says:

    @acesoverkings22 No, in order to sue, he’d have to prove that he was harmed physically, mentally, or financially by me taping this. He’d also have to prove that I didn’t have a legal right to tape it. Law enforcement already told both of us I had the right.

  • acesoverkings22 says:

    @likitt2 The guy who is doing all the screaming could sue for posting this but i doubt he has internet access or even knows how to work a computer.

  • acesoverkings22 says:

    LMAO Atheist are fucking assholes the Scumbag is right. The Dork at the beginning of the video antagonized the sitituation by filming this drunk asshole. But threathing to walk into a Bar on a specific date and end someones life is over the top and the guy deserved to be locked up for it. So how fat is your wife ? buahhahahahah

  • 6672rock says:

    The bad apples like this biker thug low-life don’t speak on behalf of Christianity as a whole. God will smite him for his awful behavior, rest assured of that.

  • maxphilly says:

    and then they say mexicans are trash haha

  • likitt2 says:

    the person recording this idiot, is the bigger idiot.

  • skiddidydat says:

    this guy is fuckin insane. i know religious people are mentally handicapped but this is just ridiculous. what did you do to piss him off so much?

  • taradennis818 says:

    This guy is no PAGAN,

  • bobbywells010 says:

    you need to educate yourself

  • aajoeyjo says:

    By posting it here? Nothing. It’s more an attempt to educate the masses about religion.

    In court though, I used this video to prove his guilt. It worked too.

  • Kaijunjiru says:

    this video is so stupid what r u trying to prove with this video???? lol

  • aajoeyjo says:

    bobbywells010 – So? That doesn’t mean that a Christian can’t call his god “Hitler.”

    Religion isn’t an exact science, it’s a giant grey area of mental anarchy. People can believe anything they want, because myths usually don’t matter. Sometimes, but more often than not, a god’s name is irrelevant.

  • bobbywells010 says:

    If this guy was a pagan this video wouldnt exist, the fact that it does proves that its too rediculous for them to take seriously.

  • bobbywells010 says:

    @aajoeyjo God created man, Hitler didnt

  • aajoeyjo says:

    bobbywells010 – Why not? Hitler didn’t kill as many innocent people as God did – in the Bible…

  • bobbywells010 says:

    This guy is not a christian, he said hitler was god.

  • Nightmeare says:

    Thank you and also i admire the fact you kept your cool and you delt the problem into a rational and non violent way.I wish that more people would do like you did.You have my full respect 🙂

  • AggressiveAtheist says:

    The last time he was in prison he must have found Jesus.

  • aajoeyjo says:

    Nightmeare – That’s good logic. I tried real hard not to take all this too personally. It wasn’t easy. But you’re right. Life is full of incidents and accidents, of all kinds.

  • Nightmeare says:

    Never put to heart what drunk slobs spit out….

  • TheHigherVoltage says:

    Gotta love the true Christians.

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