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Question by cyntha: when gearing up a enhancement shaman what stats in order of relevance should i look for?
also what type of weapons should i go for.

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Answer by WildCard
did someone say no-life?

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2 Responses to when gearing up a enhancement shaman what stats in order of relevance should i look for?

  • Lolzor says:


    wateva weapons you can get are fine, i suggest farming ICC 5 mans for Nighttime (the 1h axe)

    enh shammys are ok to play, just remember to out the right chants on ur weps etc

  • says:

    If you intend to raid on your Shaman you need to get to the Spell Hit and Expertise cap. Spell Hit cap is 14% with a Shadow Priest or Moonkin in the raid, otherwise you need 17% hit. Reason for reaching this is so your spells don’t miss a level 83 raid boss and will keep your dps at a higher constant dps. Expertise reduces the chance for your attacks to be dodged/parried by the boss. The expertise cap you need to reach is 6.50%, talented for Enhancement Shamans reduces the amount you would need to gear for.

    If you are level 80 it depends on how good your gear is going for agility is your number priority, you can also use some Attack Power/haste gems as well. Generally there is plenty of Stamina in your gear that you don’t need to gem or enchant for it.

    As for which weapons to use, there are 1 Handed Axes/Maces to use or even Fist weapons. Look for Agility stats on these, any Strength weapons will not be as good as any with Agility.

    If you are not level 80 yet then finding and using any 1 handed weapon that adds Agility or Attack Power will be fine. Enchanting at low levels will give you some benifit but you will quickly replace low level gear as you level.

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