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metallic parts of the tank were laid to rest in one grave.


Burial while alive    


Such things happen when the person is alive, leaving no room for escape and avoid interment. Death occurs due to asphyxiation, dehydration, starvation or exposure, if the place is in a cold region. Live burial of people may come about in various ways.


It could be a punishment, an execution or just plain murder.


A person or a group of people may be buried alive when they are in a mine, a cave or some other area underground area, and the escape route is blocked due to accident, earthquake, mudflow, or landslide. People also are buried alive in mountain slopes due to avalanches.


It could also be due to the unintentional mistake of an official like a coroner who declared the person as dead even though s/he was alive.     

Burial in street junctions


Bodies of people committing suicide and of executed criminals were at one time buried in street junctions or cross-roads as a deterrent to such activities. A roughly made cross was placed in such locations, giving rise to the belief that such spots were the next best to consecrated grounds. Actually, the ancient Teutonic peoples built their altars at the cross-roads where human sacrifices, especially the execution of criminals  were carried out. Over time such plots came to be regarded as execution grounds, and when Christianity took hold criminals and suicides were buried there at night to emulate as far as possible their funerals to that of the pagans or unbelievers. A present day relic of such execution ground is the famous Tyburn in London, which stands on the junction of two old Roman

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