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Question by Towel: When(age) and how was your first time having sex?Was it what you expected it to be or we’re you disappointed?
I was told it was magical none of the sort

Best answer:

Answer by Deenie
Nope… there was nothing magical about it….. and you’ll wish you had waited till marriage.

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4 Responses to When(age) and how was your first time having sex?Was it what you expected it to be or we’re you disappointed?

  • Edward&Jasper says:

    I was 18.
    With my first boyfriend and now Fiancé.
    If he wasn’t the one I wanted to be with for the rest of our lives it wouldn’t have been as magical as it was.
    I don’t believe you should have to wait until marriage if you’ve already found the one you are going to marry…

  • lovey09 says:

    it was nothing like i expected i lost it to the wrong guy n i was very disappointed. My best advice for you is to lose it to the right person the one your really in love with then you’ll have a wonderful and magical experience to remember because is something that i shouldve done. I losted at 16 i wished i would’ve waited longer to find the right guy

  • Ian says:

    3 weeks before my 20th birthday.

    It was pretty much the way I expected, I guess. I have good memories of it, but I would not go to the extreme of saying it was ‘magical’. Then and again, I’m not one of those people who exaggerates all their feelings all the time either, so that might help.

    I know a lot of girls say it hurt the first time, but for me it didn’t hurt at all (I’m a female-to-male transsexual, hence male avatar). Then and again, I was very comfortable with the guy I was with (I ended up marrying him later). Also, if you’ve never masturbated it’s probably more likely to hurt… but that’s just my guess.

  • ?PRECIOUS? says:

    I was 14 years old. Not thinking rational due to manic bipolar stage. Had actually just met that person. Didn’t really want to but.. i don’t know i felt i had to. Felt afterwords took en advantaged of. Kind of blocked out my first time.. but this question made me remember.. *shudders*

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