Question by Ronnie: Where can i practice Shamanism in NH?
I live in NH and can’t find any place that I can study this. I was also wondering where I can legally participate in a Ayahuasca ceremony.
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Answer by _=\awesome/=_
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Shamanism can be practiced in the Old Testament bull sacrfices. Fasting for 40 days to Yahweh. That is all sorts of Shamanism.
You can practice your shamanism anywhere you want in NH. More than likely you will have to go deep into the Amazon jungle to find a practitioner to teach you. Or you can wing it with an anthropology textbook that explains the culture and the shamanism. Good Luck.
Later addition.
Is it shamanism or folk medicine?
Learning Shamanism? That can be difficult, to say the least. Shamanism generally requires a cultural context or an extended period of direct transmission (working directly with someone for years). It isn’t a part time pursuit or religious choice, it is a career, a very deep field of study and practice.
As far as an institutionalized learning program for Shamanism, try Micheal Harner’s Foundation of Shamanic Studies. However, if you are interested in Ayahuasca you are going to find his workshops, and those like it, very limiting in what you are allowed to experience and do for yourself.
If you are wanting to work with Ayahuasca, there are only 3 churches currently in the US that are legally able to serve Ayahuasca: The Santo Daime, the UDV, and PaDeva. SD and UDV are Christian / Catholic, and PaDeva is pagan / shamanic. There is another group I know of in the NE, but I am still not sure how public or organized they are.