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Where Was God When Pagan Religions Began?

Rating: (out of 2 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 6.21

Price: CDN$ 32.43

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2 Responses to Where Was God When Pagan Religions Began? Reviews

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Where Was God When Pagan Religions Began?
    I’m a Christian seriously considering the path of Christopaganism, and it sickens me to see how many Christians are so far from the path they have chosen. Christianity is NOT supposed to be about hatred for others, it is supposed to be about love and forgiveness. This book is one of many reasons I’m sick and tired of fundamentalists making the rest of us look like hypocrits. I believe in God, but I don’t believe in hating others for following different paths, and authors like this just make Christians look bad. This book and others like it really shouldn’t be in the Paganism section, but were probably mis-classified because of their title, and because whoever does that job was probably too lazy to read the actual book.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Where Was God When Pagan Religions Began?
    Why put this book in this section is beyond me.
    This is not a book about any aspect of any pagan religion.
    Mr. Sumrall is a fundamentalist christian. This book is all about slamming pagan religions and beliefs. It’s just another one of the hundereds of attempts to invalidate and stamp out another religion that is different from the mainstream. Just another attempt to errantly link paganism with evil.(I am familiar with this author, I used to have a couple of his books back when).
    Steer clear from this book if your sick of this sort of [stuff]. However, if you can stomach it and find the whole subject interesting then this might be an interesting read. However, I wouldn’t spend too much on it by paying full price unless you desperately need kindling for your fireplace.

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