Question by Jaike: Which nba player was having the most sex Wilt Chamberlain or Magic Johnson?
Both was getting a lot of puss. Which one had the most chicks?
Best answer:
Answer by Stuart Little
Wilt. He said he had over 10,000 bit*** thas just crazy
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I believe it was Chamberlain who professed to bedding well over one thousand women, or maybe it was ten thousand.
I’d bet money he had hash marks on his STD card.
Didn’t Magic come up with HIV? Of course there are a lot of HIV-positive clubs, and that might even help keep his sleeping bag warm. So it could “go either way”, no pun intended, but there it is.
Wilt !
One thing that is never talked about is that Magic probably got HIV from a dude. Plus he always use to kiss with I. Thomas when they played.