Question by Nichole: Which tarot card was the mortal cup hidden in the book City of Bones?
I know it was hidden in that ladies tarot card collection that Clary’s mom painted and I know it was one of the cups. Does anyone remember which cup though? I thought it was the cup of hearts but that’s not a real card.
Best answer:
Answer by wolf_girl24
that’s what I thought when I read your description, and I think it is a real card, and even if it isn’t, I don’t think that everything in that book is quite according to modern reality I loved the series, and she threw in alot of twists I didn’t see coming. I was sad alot, and then happy at the end! love that series. If you liked that, you might like the Darkest Powers series by Kelley Armstrong. I am OBSESSED with that series. Love it!!! you should look it up, you might like it too.
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The Ace of Cups