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Question by Jack D: Who do you think are the most morally bankrupt, atheists, agnostics, or pagans?
Why do you think that?

I would have to say atheists are because they have no moral compass at all.

Agnostics are just weak willed, they simply can’t make up their mind.

Pagans are merely stupid or dilusional because they live in a fantasy world of magic and dragons, things they should have gotten over by the third grade.

Best answer:

Answer by fireball226
these comparisons wont help We already have problems in this room…

Add your own answer in the comments!

34 Responses to Who do you think are the most morally bankrupt, atheists, agnostics, or pagans?

  • Parrot says:

    Atheists have no moral compass? Are you saying that if “Thou shalt not kill” wasn’t written out in the Bible, that you wouldn’t know killing is wrong? If it weren’t for some book thousands of years ago, you wouldn’t know how to be a good person, or even have a REASON to be a good person? Maybe you can still be a moral person without having to have it spelled out for you in some ancient book… ya know, maybe some human beings just know that certain things are right and certain things are wrong. But oh wait, that just sounds too crazy.

    Agnostics pretty much just claim that they are unable to make any definite conclusions about the existence (or lack) of a god. Why is that bad? It’s a better mindset than the people who insist they have ALL the right answers.

    And I don’t know anything about what Pagans believe… but if you’re a Christian who takes the Bible literally, you believe in a lot of crap that’s just as ridiculous (virgin births, some guy putting every animal on earth on an ark, etc.) so don’t even go there.

  • Southpaw says:


    do you know me well enough to call me morally bankrupt?

  • J T says:

    Morality is not determined by what you do when someone is watching. Morality is what you do when no one is watching and there is nothing tangible to be gained or lost by the decision made

    Christians have no morals whatsoever and atheists have the highest morals of all.

  • Emerald says:

    I think that would be you to sit up and judge people for their own personal beliefs. I mean personally, who really gives a care what someone else is going through? Then we always wonder why our crime rate is so high. Because people don’t mind their own business.

  • a_delphic_oracle says:

    What you think does not make any of your thoughts true. I find that moral bankruptcy knows no particular group but is found everywhere, from Evangelical Christians to Santeria-ists. And moral people are found in all groups.

  • ?Mira? says:

    Is it bigot day, and nobody sent me the memo?

  • Chefed#1 says:

    Wasn`t it your Christ that said,Judge not for ye will be judged .
    You have already committed one of your sins .
    Do not bear false witness ( Lie )
    You don`t know me ,so how could you judge me ????

  • Spookshow Baby says:

    If heaven is full of fascists like you, I’d much rather be in hell. You’re the same f*cker that tried to remove my 360 page. You clearly don’t believe in free speech either.

  • Iwishmyhairwasemo says:

    Nah i think christians are most morally bankrupt instead of helping people they go around preaching and building high and expensive churches oh and they have bad jobs aswell

  • LIVE4TRUTH says:

    ….it would be socalled “christians”.
    Those that proclaim the name of Jesus but in their works glorify satan. Thus making themselves false teachers and preachers etc.
    Anotherway to put it would be the ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED, ETERNAL SECURITY ADVOCATES.

    This group of “believers” know the bible (to a degree) and yet refuse to believe Jesus about the road being straight and narrow and few find it.

    *At least the agnostic and atheist KNOW they are ejecting Jesus, and possibly will turn to Him in the future for 4giveness.


  • J.P. says:

    Yay for trolls! Here’s three goats, now go back under your bridge and come up with something more interesting next time.

    *hugs southpaw*

  • Casey M says:

    That’s insulting to me as a Christian. I don’t feel that way.

  • DuckPhup says:

    Actually, the answer to that would be ‘Christians’… which you seem to have accidently omitted. Christians make up about 75% of the US population and 75% of the US prison population. No big surprise there.

    Atheists, on the other hand, make up about 10% of the US population… but they make up only 0.2% of the US prison population. Now, isn’t THAT a surprise? That means that atheists are FIFTY (50) times LESS LIKELY to be incarcerated than Christians. Pretty strange, huh, for a group that has no god-given guiding moral principals?

    I can think of only two possibilities that might reasonably be said to account for this discrepancy:

    1. Atheists are of a higher ethical and moral caliber than Christians, and thus are less prone to do the same kinds of nasty things that land so many Christians in the slammer;


    2. Atheists are, overall, a lot smarter than Christians and thus, they are less likely to get caught in the course of their transgressions.

    It’s GOT to be one or the other… take your pick.

  • tristanrobin says:

    I’m not sure about ‘morally’ – but, certainly, anybody who would make such odious blanket statements is spiritually bankrupt

  • kimberly0627 says:

    We have morals.

    And name calling does not make you a good person. Who gives you the right to judge. Ask a Catholic priest which has less morals.

  • pangel says:

    wow in this question and your previous
    you have managed to insult 4 different catagories of people
    nice work .. i am sure your christian friends are hanging their heads in shame right now

  • searcher says:

    Hmmm sounds like a pretty judgmental and inflammatory post to me!!

    This is they type of post that continues to fuel the online feud between Christians and non-Christians.

    As a Christian, I ask you to please rephrase your question or delete it. This type of question does not glorify God in the least and damages a Christian’s testimony.

  • says:

    Wow– this seems like an attack and I am saying that as a Christian. And to answer the question, I have seen lots of “Christian” people that claim it but do not live it that are more morally bankrupt than athiests I no. No God does not equal NO morals. But, this kind of attack is what turns people away from God. Accountability.

  • Marvin R says:

    each and every person is because of their arrogant behavior. everyone thinks they are better than someone else and none are. no matter what labels anyone places on another group one had better take care of the log in ones own eye before worrying about the splinter in their neighbor’s eye. therefore I am the most morally bankrupt person in this plane of existence.

  • rorgg says:

    1. Lack of revealed religion is not a lack of ethics. One of the most influential philosophers on the US Founding Fathers, for instance, was John Locke, who devised one of several moral systems.

    2. Agnostics have made up their mind. Their decision is that no proof exists. Claiming nonexistence of an unprovable object is impossible. Many atheists are actually agnostics who take agnosticism one step further in saying that in the absence of proof, nonexistence is the only rational answer.

  • waterbabe23 says:

    Religious zealots are the most morally bankrupt – acting all self-righteous and discriminating against anyone who doesn’t have the same viewpoint as them.

  • Joeygirl says:

    How much moral fiber did it take for you to spew out all that hatred?? You show your own moral bankruptcy in your question.

  • eilika says:

    None of them and Parrot’s answer is great.

  • M says:

    What lead you to think Atheists have no moral compass?

    Can’t make up their mind? True, but most people go through some questioning period in their life. It’s natural to do that.

    Pagans live in a fantasy world. Hmmm magic and dragons. Isn’t Noah’s separation of water a Jesus’s walking on water Divine magic?

    Why do you not include the other believers in that question. Do you think that faith provides the only moral compass? How about Atheists who help others because they believe its the right thing to do? That path of reason is not so different from many believers.

    Lets revisit morality again. Haven’t religious groups been responsible for most wars in history. At least both world wars, and a third doesn’t seem unlikely. Perhaps I have no moral compass and war is moral.

    I’m most amused by your comment about Pagans living in a fantasy world. lol that was cute.

  • Pearly Gator says:

    I would go with agnostics. They are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold. Pagans, Athiests, Christians, Jews and any other faith have studied and come to a conclusion. Agnostics, to me, seem to shove an important aspect of mankind on the back burner and ignore it.

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