Question by Mystic Mother: Who else thinks 11 & 12 yr old’s singing Micheal Jackson songs @ school performance is inappropriatee?
My daughter (12) is in the chorus club @ school & the chorus teacher informed them that they were going to be singin 6 MJ songs. My daughter told the teacher that she didn’t feel comfortable with that & considering that the man had been accused of rapeing several small children, didn’t think it was very appropriate for middle schoolers either. The teacher told her she didn’t care what she thought & that she “will sing them”. This teacher also gave my daughter an F because she said she thought that since they were going to sing Jewish, Christian & Muslim songs that they should sing Deck the Halls (a Pagan song). The Group did not sing deck the halls but they did sing a song in Hebrew My daughter participated & sang but was still given an F. Teachr taking advantage of her authority? She also tells students that they are stupid & then tells them that she did not insult them, she merely commented on their behavior. /: (
Best answer:
Answer by Geofrey
So you never contacted the principal? School Board? attorney? Just Yahoo! Answers? The student has a right to have her convictions and act on it. That is what we have millions of young men and women dieing for in Iraq, Iran, etc. The teacher has no right to do what she is doing, if that is a true statement. You make sure you are hearing the truth before you start any proceedings. There are two sides to every story, then there is the truth. Good luck
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Discuss your objections with the principle. I personally think it’s silly to get so caught up in what songs are sung in choir.
I’m still a little confused; how do you get an F in chorus club?
As far as MJ songs…the official FBI investigation found no evidence of child pornography in his house; on his computers, or associated with him. That not withstanding….the guy was weird if not creepy.
It sounds like your daughter has a real problem with authority figures.
1. Michael Jackson was NEVER convicted of ANY form of child abuse.
2. There are only so many minutes for recitals and so much time to practice, there wasn’t enough time for ANOTHER song.
What other reasons does the teacher have for giving your daughter an ‘F’ aside from insubordination and poor performance?
Oh, how about you tell your daughter that you were accused of child abuse? What’ll she say then? You don’t think it’s right to lie to her? Well, I’ll accuse you right now. You’ve have abused your daughter developmentally and hindered her chances at having a normal life by encouraging her to disrespect her elders and authority figures.
It sounds like you are a trouble maker, you don’t really know/care what you’re talking about as long as it causes some trouble you think you’re smart, and it also sounds like your daughter is taking after you which is a real shame. Micheal Jackson was never convicted of any of these charges ( it’s kinda like me accusing you of abusing your child…there you’ve been accused just like MJ was, it doesn’t hold weight until your convicted), so you might want to learn something about the law, and maybe teach your daughter something useful for once. Also are you a pagan? is there a large pagan demographic at your kids school? no I didn’t think so, including the songs which are most relevant is the logical solution when you understand that you can’t sing every song for every faith. Stop causing trouble for troubles sake and help your daughter with her education, she might get better grades then.
1. They should not be singing ANY religiously oriented songs.
2. Your child should be able to opt out of anything that conflicts with her beliefs or principals (with your support anda reasonable explanation to the teacher of course).
3. Even if you believe that Michael Jackson is completely innocent, he is still FAR too controversial to use for a children’s performance. That should be a “no-brainer”!!!
4. A teacher should NEVER use the word stupid in reference to a child or their behavior. They could say ‘your behavior is unacceptable’, or something like that, but not “stupid”.
Yes, it sounds like this teacher is abusing her authority and as a parent, you have a responsibility to address this issue. You might want to contact some of the other parents first and get their thoughts. This might give you an idea if you will have support or will be on your own. Even if you are on your own, you still can, and should stand up for the rights of your child.
And while I don’t agree with most of the other answers, I do agree with the point that a child should still learn respect for authority. Hopefully you are not teaching your daughter to be rebellious as some have assumed. I didn’t get that feeling from your question, but wanted to be clear that I do believe in respecting authority and that children should respect their elders.
im going to be 100 with you it seems like you have a problem with her singing mj songs then pull her out of the choir instead of ruining everybody else Fun. also leave him alone he is dead and gone he doesn’t need anymore of you superficial oh look at me im a saint. why don’t you get a children’s choir at your church then you can follow any type of anti pagan songs that will give your daughter something to do and you will be happy. plus put this in the category culture
I was never a fan of MJ, I think any adult that thinks having random kids come sleep in your bed is disturbing, and I thought he did it too.
But the fact is he was aquitted of any child abuse charges and one of the kids later admitted it was a lie and that he was coached by his father. Look it up.
If your daughter doesn’t like the school chorus selections and has so much problem with them, she should drop it.
I don’t know what the teacher said, or in what context, so I can’t comment on if it was appropriate or not. I think to point fingers one is taking a huge responsibility and must be sure to have really, really good grounds for doing so… more than nit-picking on the teacher who you have a bad rapport with. If you really feel the teacher is verbally abusive, mean-spirited and harming the kids you have a responosibility as a parent to ask it be looked into… however no one has the right to put a stain on a teacher’s record and possibly get them fired, taking a good teacher away from kids who need one, just becaus you don’t like the teacher’s methods or see eye-to-eye with her.