Question by : Who is a Zoroastrian priest?
like Mullah or Sheik in Islam, priest or pastor in Christianity, rabbi in Judaism, shaman for the native Americans, etc
What do they call one for Zoroastrianism?
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Answer by ?ª???æ? Scofferific
A preist. Or osti for a female preist or osta for a male.
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There is a hierarchy in Zoroastrian priesthood, and a number of terms are used to designate a priest. The most common term is magus (plural magi).
An Osti is a woman of priestly family
An Osta is a disciple, a candidate for priesthood.
A raspi is an assistent priest.
An ervad is a priest who as undergone the first stage of initiation into priesthood. (originally a title used for higher ecclesiastics)
A magus or mobed is a priest, mobed originally meaning head priest (Magu-paiti – Master of Magi)
A yozdathregar, lit. ‘purifier’ is a priest who administers the barashnom ceremony of purification.
A zot is an officiating priest.
A dastur is a high priest