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Who Is Giving Psychic Readings A Bad Name?

Giving a psychic reading requires much more than being able to write a book, be on a talk show, or make outrageous claims. Giving a high quality psychic reading requires innate ability, compassion, and common sense.

The innate psychic ability present in all of us is more apparent in some then others. It is believed that heightened psychic abilities may be passed down from generation to generation often running in families. Heightened psychic awareness allows for an accurate psychic reading by allowing the reader to fine tune into the spiritual realm.

In addition without compassion for the individual receiving the reading the psychic reader can easily cause more harm then good. For example since psychic readings can never be 100% accurate with a high confidence interval for precision giving a reading that states someone is in emanate danger does not only show lack of compassion but lack of morale fiber.

However, with the right level of compassion a psychic can be an invaluable force for good. Providing closure for example when the psychic reading recipient has a love one pass or their relationship comes to an abrupt end. The level of responsibility and accountability for the psychic should be no less than any other expert advice giver.

Although there are no laws dictating morale or ethical obligation for a psychic to provide sound counsel every spiritual advisor should adopt a morale and ethical code. When developing a code of conduct some topics to address would be confidentiality and appropriate advice.

Obviously confidentiality is an important concept because unless a person is threatening to hurt themselves or others as advisors we

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