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Question by Abraham’s Bossom: Who is the Cosmic Adam and Sophia?
An answer came to me…

{ The gnostic scriptures do not specifically state that Jesus had children, but they do indicate that he loved the Magdalene and, in the gnostic tradition, they practiced sexual magic (a profound union of spirits). All those who are against Master’s spiritual union with his consort (such as was Peter and his disciples), do not understand the relevance of his teaching regarding the cosmic Adam and of Sophia. What they fail to grasp is that the Revealer’s life is a parable which reveals the cosmic mysteries. His life and teaching saves, not his death, and the union of minds (ie Valentinus’ joining to the angel; the bridal chamber) is an extremely important part of Master’s teaching.


Nag Hammadi [Logos], Pistis Sophia }

I ask who is who?
I ask this kind of question because I wanted to know why people believe in Sophia. I dont know that name by I certainly do know Adam. But Adam was a liar. But the True Adam is the Last Adam. Who is the Christ in each Man, the inner man, who is the perfect Son of the Father whom the wold does not know and does not relate, because they cant relate with Him. But for those birthed in the Truth, he can certainly relate, for he will become the Son, and the Father will manifest in Him.

Best answer:

Answer by Ryan
I can’t even read the whole question because of what it is based on. The gnostic gospels were written over 100 years after Christ’s death which means none of the writers were there. trust the books written by those who lived in the time

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2 Responses to Who is the Cosmic Adam and Sophia?

  • Spookeriffic says:

    For the person who answered above (for some reason the name isn’t showing up on the page for me) MANY of the Bible’s books were written years after the death of Jesus, considering that the Bible itself wasn’t compiled until the time of Constantine.

  • urfluffbunni says:

    Oliverbob you my Friend are a very good person, and I say to all that are not in the place to be able to see with their minds, instead of their eyes. We are not the one to bring Gnosis to any one but ourselves, to self proclaim in the name of all, and nothing more. The Adam, & Sofia, are the Spark of Life. The mysteries, we are ment to accept, and explore these Blessings that are give to us. This is therefore the true testimony:When man comes know to hiself and God, who is over the truth, he will be saved, and he will crown himself with the crown unfading. This is written is the Testement of Truth, and I believe. I believe in light, love, truth. I will be redemed for it and so will any one else that proffeses with their own minds and no one else,that they also believe. Untill then we are powerless in this world, to help them. Since I believe in truth, and I feel that you speak truth. I believe in what you are sharing with the world. Bright Blessings to you, please keep on asking, answering and speaking truth. I am truely brightened by your questions.

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