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So, have you ever wondered who exactly the Celts were and what their religious practices were before Christianity? Here is a nice over-view to help out… feel free to comment, ask questions, even video response with your own thoughts about the Celts. References: HR Ellis Davidson, Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe, Manchester University Press. Barry Cunliffe, The Ancient Celts. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Miranda J. Green. (2005) Exploring the world of the druids. London: Thames & Hudson. Juliette Wood. Introduction. In Squire, C. (2000). The mythology of the British Islands: an introduction to Celtic myth, legend, poetry and romance. Marie-Louise Sjoestedt, Gods and Heroes of the Celts.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Who Were The Celts?

  • celticdrw says:

    Well…in fact the tradition for northern part of europe and some around in Germany area. But they do not care for the peasants but they took some plunder. They has been defeated just after the Roman Empire left. The King Arthur realm has been spread about the Christianity instead of paganism idea.

  • EdorixLonewolf says:

    I drink to you! That is a matter which far too few understand.

  • princessannikki says:

    @EdorixLonewolf I agree, it is the language and culture that spread to Britain. Being Celtic is not a matter of blood or race, it is a culture.

  • EdorixLonewolf says:

    @TheDarkVII @Brythonic1
    Not necessarily. Pictish was probably a Celtic language, but the Picts are nowhere described as Celts prior to the 18th century. In fact, there is no evidence AT ALL for Celts in Britain. It is likely the modern Celtic languages and traditions spread to Britain and Ireland from the Celts without major invasion. (I’m not really convinced, but that’s what the scholars say).

  • TheDarkVII says:

    @Brythonic1 Well “Celts” is a general term for everyone that resided in that area at that time. Picts were a tribe that were Celtic.

  • Brythonic1 says:

    @TheDarkVII i think the picts were celts werent they?

  • acerb45666555 says:


  • 22poopoo says:

    Your eyes survived Christianisation?LOL they don’t look that old haha.
    That was a reaaly beautiful video!
    The tarditions of Halloween being the end of summer are really iteresting, I bet you’ll do a vid about that??

  • Spiritree41 says:

    I am very facinated by the culture. Wooow! This all seems so familiar…

  • Elvinauk says:

    What about the female Celtic practitoners? What evidence is there of female druids/shamans etc?

  • thedarkmoonmidnight says:

    beautiful music, and pictures

  • ShortStuffm says:

    Great video, thanks for this ^_^

  • tashaluvsyou says:

    wow i learned a lot from this…yes i wondered since i love listening to the Celtic singers…and now you made a you heard my thoughts. thank you

  • SilverNepenthes says:

    Great video, Annikki! 🙂
    Very informative. Faved by me. ^^

  • princessannikki says:

    Awesome! I’ve always wanted to know more about the Picts!

  • princessannikki says:

    The same family? I think the Faidh rather than the Druids would be closer to Witches.

  • BingeBaebe says:

    wonderful info youve got there kiki! ive recently just watched a NatGeo doc. on the Druids. Do you support Gerald Gardner’s theory that Druids and witches from celtic origin are of the same family?

  • TheDarkVII says:

    Fantastic video.
    I hope to be making a video on the Picts in the near future…but I never seem to get the time to do it. If I DO…I’ll make it as a video response to this.

    Brilliant video Nikki!

  • RivaWitch says:

    Oh I know but people always tease my Mom saying there is NO WAY she is Italian. LOL

  • kellie2377 says:

    Another great video hun. x

  • princessannikki says:

    Until fairly recently in historical terms, people in Gaul/France spoke several (perhaps hundreds) off different languages, many of which Celtic.

  • Elvinauk says:

    Oooh the whole “What is Celtic” topic really gets the pulses of some folks pumping doesn’t it? I think of Celtic in terms of Britain, being the bronze/Iron Age I’m writing a novel based on that period and I love the simplicity of life back then. I have long felt the gods had no form as such and were worshippped as forces alongside the ancestors as this is what the land “speaks” of to me. It is strange when my gut feelings are confirmed…

  • BlackcatNZ says:

    That was an excellent video Hun! I have learnt heaps Thanks 🙂
    )0( Blessed Be

  • princessannikki says:

    Would you not say that you have culture? Are you denying the existence of culture all together?

  • MrElestial says:

    Which is why you can’t brand things as Celtic, especially when there is so much, no? 🙂

    It would be unscientific and more importantly wouldn’t do past peoples justice.

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