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Question by kev k: why am i so weird????
the thing is i am totaly happy with who i am. but i would like to get a view from someone outside of me.

i am interested in quantum theory, philosophy, metaphysics, i am very spiritual but VERY far from religeous. i am compassionate, i have a deep respect for women (being raised around strong ones), deep thinker,excersize, have a good paying job, caring for my loved ones, i am generaly friendly, and i can usualy read people like a book.

however, i also like to party, have fun with friends, drink, take the occasional painkillers, every once in a great while i’ll do some cocaine, smoke pot occasionaly, and i take some downers sometimes too. i never drive while intoxicated and dont do the drugs long enough or frequently enough to get addicted. i do go out on one night stands and i let the person know that it isnt anything more than that. and i always use protection.
PS: i only do drugs because im 23, young, and still experiementing. also some of them help me get in touch with my inner self and get to a different plane of conciousness i couldnt normaly reach while sober

Best answer:

Answer by ANSWer me
i am confused

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20 Responses to why am i so weird????

  • shorteegrrl588 says:

    Being young is no excuse for using drugs like cocaine.

  • Hayden W says:

    well ur not going to have much of a life if u get caught with the stuff…….

  • lucki female says:

    What is the question?

  • :)Waz:)Up:)PPL:) says:

    exept for the drugs psrt preety good

  • kris55a says:

    well, you sure know all the key works and sure can talk the talk.
    be careful tho when the sky starts falling.
    good luck.

  • cobras_blood3 says:

    dude your awesome if i oculd be like that i would be so happy i wouldnt need anything man normally i dont tell guys this kinda crap i ignore them but dude you got a great life i gotta claw my way up to the top and im still in high skool cant wait till im in the marines

  • Beautiful Nightmare says:

    you dont sound weird to me. you sound like prince charming to me.

  • Vally says:

    stop doing drugs. experimenting is okay but only for a while. and since you only do that once in a great while, its okay to stop. so do so.

    you arent weird. just let your conscience guide you, one-night-stands are really coldhearted

  • SnowFlats says:

    So, when are you getting to the weird stuff? I wouldn’t worry about any of the stuff you’ve mentioned as weird. The drugs and the one night stands are probably not the best thing for you, emotionally or physically, so you might want to take a look at that. But otherwise, you sound pretty upfront about things, have a good idea of who are, and take pleasure in your life.

    Wait a second…how many of us do that, take pleasure in our lives? Yes, on second thought, you’re too well-rounded, too normal not to be very, very weird.

  • oldman says:

    Well I thought you were okay till I got to the drug part….you don’t need that S hit trust me….listen to a oldman and stay away from it. It will screw up your life…and if everything you say about yourself is true….you have a very great life ahead of you.
    Best of luck

  • J.M.C says:

    All well and good but the drugs will eventually fry your brain so keep away from them. so what is your problem or issue?

  • Roz H says:

    sorry to burst your bubble, but u just as normal as any other 23 yr old. i know some really wierd guys , so u fine to go.

  • J. S. says:

    Wierd? What makes you think you are? If you are interested in the finer things in life – philosophy, metaphysics, quantum theory, and spirituality (without being an evangelist), then you are doing fine. Add a little history and literature to that, and you’ll be all right!

  • fish_named_elephant says:

    You have two very distinct sides to you, and there is nothing wrong with that. Everyone is that way. You’re like a pendulum in a clock, you sway back and forth. What makes you different, is that you show both sides of yourself to the world. Most people hide one side, keeping it to themselves or just sharing it with a select few. If you’re comfortable enough to be that open than go for it. Don’t hide yourself because that’s how everybody else does it.

    The real question should be… Why are other people not comfortable enough to show everything they are?

  • Double J - Jonni Jigolo says:

    have you considered a suicide attempt? it may not work but at least you could add that to your resume too…

  • Estrellia Negra says:

    I don’t think you are weird. I think we could be Friends (are you my neighbor Kev?….kidding). I think you are just getting wiser as a person. You’re actually thinking about what’s going on instead of just going through life. Does that make sense? I’m drinking! I say keep being yourself because you are the only one who can keep yourself happy!!!!

  • M P says:

    People who are happy with themselves don’t need to use drugs or other people for temporary pleasure. I wonder if this would be okay if you were 33 instead of 23. At what age do you grow up??? If you are very respectful of women, then why use them for sex???

  • GuruBhai says:

    Hey Kev…let me tell you from my personal experience. I was exactly like you when i was about your age. i grew up around strong females and i respect them a lot too. i liked to experiment a lot too. i understand completely, bud, when you say you are young and just want to explore the different sides of life. What happens my friend is that eventually this experimenting and exploring becomes lifestyle and addiction. I have been through it. Trust me it will become your lifestyle and addiction before you know it, and then it will be sooo hard to get rid of it. What will happen is you will end up hurting those who love you, wll those strong women whom you respect sooo much will be hurt. Try to find other healthier, better alternatives. Do some sports or music. Go deep into some healthy hobbies. Concentrate on you future, studies and carriers and when you are ready find some one special. She can support you in keeping away from all these habits….pleaseee i beg you to change your lifestyle. i had almost ruined my life, i will be happy if i can make a little bit of change in yours…good luck…GuruBhai.

  • jatsl_hunter says:

    Your really not weird..the average normal person, experments with drugs, in there early 20’s.
    I think its awesome, that you are a spiritual person, spiritual people are so interesting..your compassionate, so that means you are probably very good to your family and friends. You respect women, you use protection, this is great…having respect for women, will In turn, get you a great relationship someday. Its awesome that you are into philosophy and metaphysics…
    You have a great job, so therefore you are not a bum. You have some excellent qualitites…
    Be careful with the cocaine, addiction with that can kind of creep up on you…
    I have known alot of people, who have had the same qualities that you have, and they let the drugs, and partying, take all that away from them..It broke there spirit. Having your spirit broken, is losing all that, and never being the same person again..and not knowing how to get it back.
    You sound like you have a wonderful life ahead of you, you are being the Normal guy, partying and having fun…and all this is well in good, If You know when to stop, and you have control..But then again, alot of people in rehabs today, say they had it all under control..
    Look at all the good things you have going for you, It dont hurt to party with your friends and have a few drinks..But If I were you, I would look at the bigger picture of your life, and see where you will be in 5 to 10 yrs, if you keep popping the painkillers, cocaine..etc. Like I said a few drinks wont hurt you, and its fun to have friends…If your being responsible, and dont drive..etc..etc
    Just look at your life..and see where you want to go…
    I will tell ya this..someday you will meet a woman, who will sweep you off your feet, you wont want just a one night stand, she will come when you least expect it….and then, that is when all these good qualities, will want to be in check..ya know what I mean..that is what she will fall in love with, as you will her….”the good qualities”…so never let yourself get to a point, where you cant stop the painkillers, cocaine..and the pot..
    You sound like your a Brilliant person….dont lose that..
    Hope this helps some…

  • i don know y says:

    thats pretty much normal. anything less than that is below average.

    there is nothing weird neither anything special about it.

    but i can see a little bit extra self respect/ego in it. be thankful to god for having all this and you might feel contended.

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