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metaphysical spirituality
by nimboo

Question by somegirlsomewhere: Why are some people so narrow when it comes to spirituality?
Believe it or not, everything doesn’t revolve around science. Too many people are too stuck on the left side of their brains and get so preoccupied with the physical that they can’t acknowledge the posibility of the metaphysical, or God. That’s what faith is about. It’s arrogant to assume that everything can be answered by man. We have our earthly limitations. BTW, if you have an open enough mind, you can see that Creationism and Evolutionism don’t necessarily contradict each other. I believe in both, and that doesn’t make me confused, that makes me a liberal. I mean the REAL definition of liberal. Narrow extremism from both sides contradicts what liberal really means.
Yes, I love science, it’s useful and can be applied to many many things, but not everything, because like I said, we have our earthly limitations.

Best answer:

Answer by jessigirl00781
When someone has faith and belief in something they think there can be no wrong.

What do you think? Answer below!

8 Responses to Why are some people so narrow when it comes to spirituality?

  • judasrabbi says:

    Some don’t want to bothered

  • WiserAngel says:

    Any extreme belief isn’t beneficial to anyone. I agree with you that everyone should have an open mind, listen to all sides, quit trying to convince everyone else and just be level headed about things. It doesn’t mean we all have to agree with one another!

  • themom says:

    Those who are narrow minded spiritually are usually narrow minded about everything else, too.

  • Andrea says:

    I don’t think people who are into spirituality are narrow, but rather people who are into churchianity (some religion or another). Religion and spirituality can be mutually exclusive terms…an oxymoron if you will.

  • Marcus R. says:

    It looks like you answered your own question. Which isn’t bad, we often need to reason out what bothers us. Thanks for your insight.

  • idamahn says:

    Faith. You summed up your point with that one word. The problem with ‘spirituality’ is usually that zealots ram that point of view into people. Because they have faith. Faith can be a very strong motivator.

    The fact of the matter is that in more cases than not, science can answer most of what life throws at us. Faith is what allow people to believe why a person can fall out of a 20 story building and walk away. Statistically it can happen, and that is science.

    You are of course allowed to have your views on spirituality and the ‘closed minded’ individuals are allowed to have theirs. That is what makes all of this whole wild ride of life possible. Just imagine if we were all the same how boring things would be.

  • princeessintraning says:

    Narrowness comes from curiosity, lack of having what they have to say be herd, and lack of information. No one knows everything and some people are not willing to share what they do know with others so is some ways we are all in the dark and that will not stop until it changes!

  • Julia says:

    Science has made huge progress, especially over the last 100 years or so — which is great, except that it has caused some people to see it as the Be All and End All of everything.

    We should always remember that Christianity is the one religion, more than any other, that calls us to explore our world. After all, we believe that God created the world — and in getting to know this world and its scientific laws better, we are really honoring God.

    Unfortunately, many people see science and religion as opposites, even as adversaries.

    That’s a pity, because it’s God’s grace that gives us the “brain power” to engage in scientific pursuits.

    It’s also God’s grace that gives us intellect, and the gift of understanding.

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