Why Both Venus And Sirius Are Brilliantly Bright 2010/2012 END
Why Both Venus And Sirius Are Brilliantly Bright 2010/2012 END
It all began with the Venus and Crescent Moon (January 5, 2008). This is the month that the book about Pharaoh Akhenaten came out and the “lost” Pharaoh city was found www.egyptologiephlus.net/index.php/en/blog. January 8, 2008 was the Mother plane UFO sighting (Stephenville, Texas). I was eventually “led” to a woman named Karina (A Libra-Venus rules Libra). This article will explain why both planet Venus and Sirius are presently shining Brilliantly Northwest. This is the location Venus will transit to in 2012. Orion is presently near Venus and Sirius. The Carina Star Cluster will also be explained.
I have never witnesses Planet Venus shine as Brilliantly as it did on May 11, 2010. It was a cloudy and raining night. No other stars or planets in the sky. Yet there she was. I became very suspicious. Was this actually Venus, a comet, some other star/planet, or was it some type of “space station”? Also, why was this Brilliant light the only visible “entity” in that cloud filled northwestern sky?
This isn’t the first time the “planets” have spoken or directed (Psalm 19:1). I still remember the “dark” night that Moon suddenly appeared out the darkness and directed me to Karina. Karina was a South American singer. Ironically the Moon also shone in the Northwest sky that night. Tonight’s investigation immediately taught me that planet Venus is currently near Sirius and Orion. I also learned that they are all shining brightly. I also learned that Venus will be at that exact Northwestern location during her 2012 transit > http://www.celestialtimings.com/free_timings/index.html I’ve already explain the Baalim Crescent Moon of January 5, 2008 (please