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view my “What was going on in Space when the Universe called” article). On May 10 Venus approached the Horn of the Bull (Taurus) and zodiacally conjuncted El Nath (May 13, 2010). So once again Baal was making His (Her-Ashtoreth) Presence Known. Visit the above “clestialtimings” web address for more info. Most of Earth’s Gods are associated with Baal, Ashtoreth, and Tammuz (the Cross of Christ). El Baal being the Father God who died on the tree (cross) and resurrected as Tammuz the Son. In other accounts Tammuz is the Son of Baal and dies on a tree (Ezekiel 8:14). The Father/Son dying and “living again” is the central theme of many Gods (John 3:1-14). The “other side” continues to use various ways to point to 2012 as a significant time for God’s Presence.

Please refer to this website for the following information (below) >

Some sites informed that Sirius may appear to sign brighter than Venus. Other sites place the brilliance with Venus. The site advised that in May 2010 Venus will appear shortly before or during sunset. As Venus “drifts” into the Northwest, Sirius and Orion will begin to shine brighter.

Let’s review the connection between Sirius, the Mayans, Ancient Egypt (Africa), European mythology and 2012.

Depending on which astronomer you research, the Crescent Moon (with Venus) were in either the Scorpius (Scorpio) or Sagittarius constellation (January 5, 2008)-or at least the Ascendant. I learned that the Scorpion killed and overthrew Orion (the Hunter). This is where it gets very interesting. In Bible Prophecy, the Scorpion (Star-Tarot Card #17-Aquarius Age-Revelation 19:1-end) King “falls” from Heaven. This Angel (the Scorpion King) will “free” God’s

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