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Angelic-Locust (John the Baptist-Elijah-Fiery Chariots of God-UFOs-Revelation 9:7; Matthew 3:4; 2 Kings 2:1-end). This army will then “judge and destroy” Orion’s Kingdom (the Hunter’s Army-Genesis 10:8-9). The Bible uses words like Cush, Leopard, Babylon, Kings, Beast and other words to destroy this overthrow and destruction (Revelation Chapters 17 and 21). The “truth” is not hidden in the word(s) alone. The truth is hidden in the compilation of ancient history, understanding that God is both “light” and “darkness” (Good and Evil-Isaiah 45:6-7; Job 1:1-10; Job 2:1-10; John 3:14), and how these Biblical words point to God finally “Coming” To End The Age (Matthew 24:3; John 4:24; Matthew 13:10-17).

I recently wrote an article on the Egyptian (African) Dogon Tribe and the Nommos (Gods, Aliens, Space Travelers) who visited them. The Nommos claimed to be from Sirius and the Dog Star constellation. These Angels traveled in fiery ships. In their ancient beliefs, they associated Sirius with the Sun. This is why the Eastern Star of Jesus is associated with the Sun (Eastern Star-Malachi 4:1-8) and Egypt (Matthew 2:1-10). Please keep in mind that the account of God-Messiah occurs in many ancient religious beliefs. The Bible speaks about Orion and Pleiades at Job 38:31. Leviathan is Pharaoh Akhenaten. He is the “Beast” Captain (Judge) of God’s Army (Psalm 104:25-27-Akhenaten’s “Hymn To Aten” is Psalm 104-Do your research). Notice how God boast about Leviathan at Job 41:1-end. Leviathan is the Pharaoh Dragon of the River (Ezekiel 29:3). Moses was also a Pharaoh associated with the Ark and the River (Exodus 2:1-end; Exodus 7:1-end; John 3:14).

The Syrian Nommos were believed to be a type of “fish people”. I notice the Hydra Constellation (the

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