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Question by LJ’s Back!: Why do Atheists claim that every holiday is a pagan holiday?
According to atheists, Christmas was originally a pagan holiday. Halloween, pagan holiday. Easter? Yup, pagan. Thanksgiving? Totally pagan. 4th of July? Come on, we all know the pagans were first to celebrate that. Black History Month? Sooooo pagan!

Best answer:

Answer by pab
what part of christianity involves a xmas tree? Or santa clause?

Easter is not a pagan holiday, but it has been secularized to be very much non religious to many people (an easter bunny and colored eggs?).

Thanksgiving and Independence day are American holidays. Completely secular.

What do you think? Answer below!

33 Responses to Why do Atheists claim that every holiday is a pagan holiday?

  • Ode to the Damned® ÆA NR says:

    We don’t. It’s also a fact that almost every, if not all, Christian holidays are based on a Pagan one.

  • Senior Imprisoned Correspondent says:

    Thanksgiving not so much, and the 4th of July I know nothing about.

    Basically all holidays are based in some way on pagan ones.

  • CorruptedSpirit,VT, AM Associate says:

    it is verified fact that christian holidays were hijacked from pagan celebrations……..research before you post next time

  • Frou Frou says:

    yeah yeah whinge whinge
    you dont like the truth thats no ones problem but yours
    why not just accept it instead of whinging about it on here in front of thousands of people who know its also true as your just embarrassing yourself

  • Geezah says:

    Please show me just one post on here where an atheist (or ANYBODY for that matter) claimed that Thanksgiving and Independence Day have their roots in pagan traditions. Just one.

  • LifeIsAFreeTripRoundTheSun says:

    We claim that three of those, Christmas, Halloween, and Easter, are pagan holidays because they are. Simple enough, really.

  • Delgarits says:

    You are full of it.. I have yet to see anyone claim every holiday is a pagan holiday, nor have you.. It is not our fault that most of the major holidays are pagan in origin.

  • Demon of hand-writing analysis says:

    Because most of them are. Christians chose to celebrate the birth of Christ on an already established pagan holiday because it was in their tradition and convenient, they just changed the meaning of the holiday. It’s not a bad thing. The meaning is what’s important.

  • Flying mop dog says:

    Christmas, Easter and Halloween were. Read a book or does your religion forbid you to do so.

  • ibelieve says:

    its a reason to criticize our faith

  • Anthony W. McPherson says:

    Well, Easter and Halloween are derived from Heathen holidays. So is Christmas (still refered to as “Yule”).

    Reference for the above isn’t difficult at all, or even e-mail me and I’ll try to give you the references.

    Hail Odin!

  • LM says:

    Because it’s true.

  • mandy :) says:

    Grow up.

    Christmas DID start as a Pagan Holiday. Halloween DID start as a pagan holiday. Hell, ALL religions started out as PAGAN. You know why? Because Pagan is such a blanket term, it hardly means anything anymore.

  • Doctor ZER0 C00L •TL• •AM• •VT• says:

    Er… I don’t know to what atheists you’re referring, but I don’t know any who insist that ALL holidays are “pagan in origin”.

  • Deomachus . says:

    Christian Holidays are celebrated during pagan holidays for a strategic reason. The early church wanted to wipe out paganism, and convert them to christianity, and what better way to do it then by transforming their holy days into your own? It’s not just atheistic fabrication, it’s historical fact. Look it up yourself.

  • sculptorclay says:

    Well Big Ben why don’t you pick up a history book and read it. Then you will understand why we say that so many of the holidays were originally pagan.

  • Papagenu says:

    pagans invented the gregorian calender


    they invented the idea of days for gods, even all the months are named after pagan gods.

  • ÅV?Â??? says:

    Pretty much, yeah. Unless you can show me where a human sized rabbit appears in the bible hiding eggs.

  • galactic_bodhisattva - SGI says:

    Holiday = holy day. Some of which has been lost in translation. Pagan holidays weren’t stolen, they were usurped. And their god’s recast as demons in Satan’s choir. As for those holidays you mentioned that are strictly American…give me a break. You may not like the truth, but give up on the irony, sir. It makes you look ignorant and weakens your position.

  • Frau Asher /JPA/ Heathen says:

    answer: I have yet to see an atheist claim the 4th of July or Black history month is pagan in origin.

    They are intelligent enough to know that the “religious” based ones are pagan in origin: Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving (harvest celebrations predate Christianity, thanks), etc.

  • Clayton says:

    Please, it’s not a “reason to criticize [your] faith”

    It’s the truth.

  • ?ni???säl ??n?s™ says:

    Labor Day and MLK Day were not pagan… if that helps any…

  • Atheist bean says:

    Listen troll, all xtain holidays are copied from pagan holidays.
    Halloween – pagan holiday
    Easter- pagan holiday Lady day
    christmas- pagan holiday Yule
    Valentines day – pagan holiday Candlemas
    All sabbaths of Witchcraft.
    So go blow!

  • NeoNerd says:

    That would be becasue they are.

    Christmas – Yule
    Easter – Eostre

    Yah de ya deh yah…

  • JefFlyingV says:

    Bong, Bong, B o n g, You have confused secular holidays with Religious holidays, The big 3 Christian holidays were hijacked from pagans and there was a retention of some of the pagan practices. Easter eggs, Christmas trees and Halloween trick or treat.

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