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Question by Hells-Warlock: Why do Christians automadicly assume that because a musician sings a song about selling their soul ,,they >
are a Satanist ?
Dont they relize that us pagans dont even belive he exist ?
Why cant they just get off my back ?
Just for the record
Every Christian I have run into Has accused me of being a Satanist
they even have scripture referances to quoute from inorder to try and prove they are right
The song that is getting a lot of attention from the local preaches is called

The song that is getting a lot of attention from the local preaches is called

Mark your a dumb @SS

Best answer:

Answer by Talking Snake
They are not a ssssatanissst, but I can verify their sssoul hassss become mine.

Care to ssssell? Ssssign here ______________

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

17 Responses to Why do Christians automadicly assume that because a musician sings a song about selling their soul ,,they >

  • marie g says:

    I don’t know, it doesn’t bother me. It’s up to them what they sing about.

    Are that many people REALLY on your back?

  • ?Abstract? Byproduct™ says:

    Lol i like this question.

    But ‘automadicly’ is the worst spelling ive ever witnessed on R&S

  • somebody says:

    Because it’s about selling your soul? To Satan.

  • centralnyguy2005 says:

    Because the bible says ” Out of the mouth speaks the abundance of the heart ” In other words what every is in your heart you will reveal in your words. Regardless of weather or not you say you don’t mean it…. This is the truth regardless of weather you believe it or not…God bless you !

  • Laff says:

    Hey, Snake!? What will you give me for my soul?

  • David S says:

    All belief systems are, by definition, based on assumption. i.e. “I see no obvious cause for this magnificently complex universe, therefore God made it.”

  • flinginfeces says:

    Why do you “automadicly” assume that all Christians assume the the same thing? Why can’t you get off their back?

  • mark101112 says:

    YOU…. Falsely Assume… FACTS NOT IN EVIDENCE !

    Your “PSEUDO” Question….. sounds LIKE….”WHINING!”

    Just because YOU….. Don’t Believe… DOESN’T MAKE IT SO!

    Besides….. “EVERY SONG IS A SERMON!”

    And STOP your incensed…..” WHINING ! ”

    Thanks for NOT Asking ! RR

  • Angeltress says:

    So, if you don’t believe that Satan exists, who, exactly, are you selling your soul to?
    I’m a Christian, and I have never figured out why anyone thinks Satan would want to buy anyone’s soul, anyhow.
    If you don’t want to attract Christian attention, why do you sing ridiculous songs about their beliefs?
    Why don’t YOU just get off of OUR backs, for a change??

    Who are “us pagans”? Do you speak for everyone who has pagan beliefs? I doubt it, because I do know many pagans who respect my right to be a Christian, just as they expect me to respect their right to their own beliefs. I even know a couple of pagans whose beliefs do include some Christianity. Paganism is a pretty mixed bag…I don’t think there is a category called “us pagans”…

    LOL, Abstract is absolutely right! You win today’s prize for the internet’s absolutely WORST spelling.

  • *?Beauty is pain?* says:

    Is this a serious question or are you just ranting?

  • lewisriverman says:

    Well we get off your back when you learn to use spell check!

  • Bob Brown says:

    Their badgering you is their way of reaffirming their own faith.
    Your rejecting their beliefs shakes them up because an air of doubt has been expressed and that terrifies the hell out of them!

  • cmd3982 says:

    A pagan can’t sell his soul, because he doesn’t believe he has one. So if you are singing about selling something you don’t believe you even have, why can’t us Christians believe you are something other than what you say you are, like a Satanist?

  • lynn says:

    Yeah, leave you alone.

  • DesiDani says:

    What song are you talking about?

  • Kat6181 says:

    Because the Christians are very very Judgemental. They are brainwashed so they don t even research paganism, wicca, witchcraft, or any other religion before bashing it. They are hipocrites!! I deal with the same, i am wiccan, i come from a family with a background in wicca, and i have to battle these people everyday, especially, when im a sound engineer at a radio station, and sundays theres a bunch of christians show, and they always have to look at me, or even comment on my books, ect. If they did some research they would realize that wicca has no beliefs in Satan, like christianity, because they say that pagans belief in satan?? they dont realize that they are the ones who believe in satan, by always threatning people, oh youre going to hell, or if something goes wrong in their life, its not their fault, its satans fault!! They just really make me mad with their ignorance and their judging ways!!

  • gjstoryteller says:

    When you utter the phrase, “I’m selling my soul…” it really doesn’t matter to whom the sale is being addressed. The act of the sale itself is what rankles Christians. And, you know that. So why are you all bent out of shape because Christians are taking your bate?

    If you are honestly being true to yourself, their comments should make about as much of an impression as water sliding off a duck’s as.s. “Zero” in other words.

    Leave them to stew in their own juices and move on with your creative life.

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