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Question by Sleepyriggles: Why do Christians celebrate Easter?
Easter is a pagan fertility ritual (is why rabbits, eggs, etc. are associated with it). Passover is the christian holiday but almost all chuches have easter-egg hunts. Why is the hypocrisy necessary? I see churches all over the place, are they all that low on members that they would particpate in such contradictory events?

Best answer:

Answer by tommybear45
yeah & the movie The Tomb of Je$u$ by cameron proven it wrong \o/ ———-Who Knew?

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18 Responses to Why do Christians celebrate Easter?

  • wannabahippy says:

    The churches hijacked it from the pagans, as a way to stop people celebrating a pagan festival…They couldent make it go away so they tried to cover it up!
    Arent you glad it dident work??!!

  • Moises3702 says:

    Ohh my friend They are false but don´t worry they are falling first Catholic church with 700 case of sexual abuse the first suit winned 40 million the rest who knows and protestants with gays pastors and meth.

  • easternshorer says:

    Isn’t it great that Christians are accepting of other religions! That was all about Jesus’ message. He wanted everyone to hear his Word, not just the Jews.

    You are so perceptive, I encourage you to read on to learn more! Way to go!!!

  • midoryling says:

    im christian and i dont celebrate christmas or easter.
    we’re not all stupid.

  • icb says:

    Syncretism, the borrowing or co-opting of religious or social ideas and incorporating them into already-formed systems, is alive and well in all religions at all time. I don’t worry about it that much. The word Easter comes from an old fertility goddess names Eosarte — or sometimes Ishtar or Astarte. Hence the rabbits. Christians co-opt rituals that have been in turn co-opted by fertility cults all the way back to nature worship. Humans aren’t great at original thought, so I’m not surprised that we continue to borrow what seems good. I’d let the churches keep their easter eggs. I’m not sure it matters that much.

  • creeklops says:

    Easter is when Jesus arose from the tomb. We celebrate His returning to Heaven. The Easter Eggs, and Easter Bunny is created by the industries so the stores can sell, to make a profit. Churches have a Sunrise Service to celebrate Christ rising from the tomb then usually have a dinner and have an egg hunt and games for kids. theres no hypocrisy, it’s all American traditions.

    Different religions have different reasons for celebrating certain holidays.
    Christians celebrate His Resurrection, it’s that simple. Like it or not.

  • Worshipful Heart says:

    unfortunately the Christian church of today has been taught thatthe law no longer applies to us- that God abolished all of His perfect commands and His perfect feasts, the picture, observance and celebration of Yeshua (Jesus) himself and allowed us to replace those things with pagan festivals of the flesh and traditions of men.

    The thing is, I have not been able to find that in the Bible- last I heard, not one jot or tittle would be removed. We are not free from the law but free from the law of sin and death- free from the consequenses of the law – free to walk God’s perfect instruction without condemnation and with the grace and forgiveness to fall. Those that love Him will obey HIS commands.
    The Passover feast is a beautiful picture of the death , burial and resurrection of Yeshua- it has so much more meaning and fullness than Easter (Ishtar) could ever provide- even the celebration of Jesus in Easter is shallow compared to what is revealed in Passover.
    If we are truly followers of Jesus, should we not be observing the same feasts and commands He did? and leave the counterfeit behind??

  • Austin L says:

    Easter is not bad if you celebrate it right. Christians celebrate it because Jesus rose from the grave. People who don’t want to admit that happend made up the Easter bunny. Christians today do Easter eggs and stuff because its a tradition, or they made the point clear the real reason for Easter is beacause of Jesus.

  • one_realist says:

    Hello. Christians celebrate Easter because on that resurrection morning Jesus the Son of God arose from the grave and hell itself to be our Savior and Lord… our divine Redeemer. We celebrate it to commemorate how Jesus won the victory, cheated death itself, and took from satan the keys of death, hell and the grave! THAT’S why we celebrate. Passover is the JEWISH holiday done to commemorate how God delivered the Jews of old from bondage in Egypt. The blood was placed on the post and lintels to have the death angel to passOVER the houses with first born’s in them. The last plague God would do to break Pharaoh was by taking the first born of both man and beasts… for which he surely had them to leave. Passover celebrates that deliverance. As for children going on easter egg hunts, what’s the big deal? Let the kids have their fun, for Jesus can keep them and bless them to know the truth. Maybe you should go join in the fun and step into a house of God… you need a Savior!

  • Nana says:

    I celebrate the fact that Jesus has risen and is not dead but alive, at the right hand of God the Father, interceding on the behalf of His followers.
    The bunnies are for the little children who don’t know yet the meaning of salvation. Let kids be kids and enjoy the joys of childhood. Why rob them of that childhood while they are still young an able, the reality of life will soon rob them of their joy as it has for you.

  • Sunshine says:

    I’ll get a lot of thumbs down for this, but this is what I learned…

    At the time of the roman Empire, when Christianity was at it’s peak, the Emperor wanted all the land under the Roman Empire to be Christianized. Many people from the pagan faith refused to let go of what they believed in, and so the Emperor ordered to Christianize their belief (keep what they believe and make it part of Christianity).

    That’s why you see Christmas, Easter and all the other holidays.


  • kakapobirdthing says:

    They continue to celebrate Easter because it seems that only a very small percentage of Christians have ever had access to books about history. It is very difficult to find a Christian who isn’t firmly convinced that Christianity created all of their rituals and holidays from scratch, right out of Jesus’ own life and the Church’s imagination. Isn’t that sweet? They really have no idea!
    And yet when quietly confronted with evidence that festivals like Easter and Yule pre-date the Christian versions by, in some cases, centuries, all they can do is insist that they must nevertheless still be correct in some mysterious way which has no connection to logical thought processes or defensible debate.
    In the early days of shrine-and-holiday theft, the Church must have assumed that one day all of these facts would be lost in the mists of time. They couldn’t have realised that one day we would – in spite of them – be advanced enough to be able to study pre-Christian history, in light of which, their blatant requisitioning of pagan celebrations seems a little heavy-handed to say the least. And having entrenched themselves in with many years of practicing Easter etc. it would take a greater Church than the Christian one to come clean and admit honesty, thereby relinquishing a happy chocolate day purely for the sake of religious integrity.
    Well, those are my thoughts on the matter, anyway.

  • chris l says:

    its because they just dont know. im surprised they dont have strippers to boost the attendance. its all money, and thats the only way you can look at it. you have to pay someone to spread the word? its disgusting. they are making a mockery of themselves and are too stupid to notice. ya gotta laugh.

  • Shibboleth says:

    If Easter is a pagan holiday, how come they pagans don’t celebrate it?

  • cleanlife says:

    True Christians realize that Easter bears pagan fertility ritual and do not celebrate it. The egg is the emblem of the germinating life of early spring..the rabbit is a pagan symbol of fertility. Easte was originally the spring festival in honor of the Teutonic goddess of light and spring known in Anglo-Saxon as Eastre or Eostre. It was not a celebration of early Christians and should not be one of true Christians. Jesus instituted the Memorial of his sacrificial death. This is the only event he commanded his disciples to observe at Luke 22:19,20. This is the only event true Christians observe.

  • Kat ? says:

    OK, just in case you don’t know this…Christianity is not the first religion that was on this planet, neither is Judaism or Islam…these religions, no matter what they tell you, are a product of many, many other religious traditions that have been around BEFORE, for example, Christianity came about. So, although, Christianity was different in that it established the one god etc, as it spread through the ages, it picked up different traditions from different pagan religions.

    For example, did you know that Ash Wednesday is also a pagan tradition? I comes from the whole idea of burying the winter with lighting fires and burning stuff on them to “scare” the winter away and call for the spring to come. Like you guys here don’t celebrate it, but we do in Europe…There is a Shrovetide Tuesday (I had no idea that it’s called that way), and it’s kinda like Halloween where people dress up into costumes and parade the streets. And that Tuesday is a week before the Ash Wednesday…so the whole thing of dressing up into costumes is to scare the winter away and then the week after is Ash Wednesday when you basically burn your costume on a fire and them bury it, as if you are burying winter. Something like that.

    So, what I’m trying to say is that Christianity is full of pagan traditions, they just gave them different names and people just don’t know about it.

    And no, it’s really not hypocritical. If you think about it, it is actually thanks to Christianity that some pagan traditions have survived, even as the pagan religions died out…If it wasn’t for Christianity, who besides the ethnologists would know about them?

    OK, don’t get me wrong, I’m not paying tribute to Christianity at all (I have no religious affiliation) cos as much as it preserved, it destroyed at least three times more. But at least it preserved something…

    But accusing the church of being hypocritical can put you in hell…(just kidding)…the thing is that it’s just not fair to do this in this case because it’s kinda like me complaining (I’m European) about the fact that the US has recycled European names like London, Oxford, Vienna etc. I mean come on…couldn’t you guys make up your own darn names??? It’s the same with Christianity…there are just so many things that they just couldn’t make up all of them so they just recycled ideas…now if you think that’s wrong, write the pope instead of participating in such events!

  • swindled says:

    just because someone mistranslated the word paschal into the word Easter instead of the correct translation of passover doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate Christ’s Resurrection. The fact that we absorbed this with out even a flinch is testimony of real faith.

  • Hildulf says:

    Christians still celebrate Easter because you CAN’T KILL THE TRUTH WITH A LIE.
    No matter how often you guys say Easter is about the resurrection of the Christ, it will never be.

    Swindled.. appropriate name.
    Paschal has nothing to do with Easter.
    Easter is from the name Eostre.

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