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Question by Dianna M: Why do Christians think that Tarot Cards are evil?
I have been interested in Tarot cards, off and on, for about 10 years now. I have not read any cards for, I’d say, 3 years and am slowly getting the urge to read them again. My family is Baptist and not generally thrilled that I do this but they do not stop me. They don’t like it when I do it around them so I don’t. But why is it considered, as my dad says “Of the Devil?”

I have also found that I’m drawn to a particular deck. “The Dragon Tarot.” Does anyone know if there’s a reason for this? It just doesn’t seem to feel right for me if I use any other kind of Tarot card deck. I find the Rider deck to be useful as a reference but do not generally use it as much as I do the Dragon…and wherever I go to find a Tarot card deck, I can always find my Dragon deck. It’s like it calls me or something. LOL.

Thank you for any input you might have.

Dianna 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by VectorGeek
Because they “predict” the future, which is a quality of God, which could cause you to be an idol worshiper, and the Bible strongly condones it. In fact, its one of the 10 commandments.

What do you think? Answer below!

10 Responses to Why do Christians think that Tarot Cards are evil?

  • darrel j says:

    I think Tarot card would be considered witchcraft or paganism to Christians. Tarot has nothing to do with the bible or Christianity therefore it contradicts the commandment of banning idolitry or believing in any other religions or beliefs. Judiasm and Islam (no so much now) are tolerated a bit more since they have shared history. I would just tell everyone that they’re role playing cards like “Magic” or “Yugioh”.

  • Arryshanna-Selene says:

    Beause they do not have adiquaet knowledge of the subject to understand it or explain it. The Tarot has nothing to do with anything evil or bad. It has to do with the main archtypes that deliniate us as human beings.

  • El Diablo says:

    ” They think everything outside Christianity is evil “

  • laelock says:

    Traditionally Protestant (especially nonconformist) sects have condemned tarot cards – as they have similarly condemned playing cards (which can also be used for divination). This is because they are not sanctioned by the Bible and were and are used by non-Christians.

    There are forms of divination used in the Bible – such as drawing lots, the Urim and Thummin, and some others, and bibliomancy (where you open the bible at random, and see a pertinent passage) is widely practised.

  • Life Is Good says:

    I’m a Christian and don’t think Tarot Cards are evil.

  • Kinkatia says:


    I’m a Christian. I don’t think they’re evil. I know plenty of other Christians who would agree.

    But I will say that I put about as much faith in tarot cards as I do horoscopes…absolutely none.

  • T H says:

    I think Christianity’s stance against Tarot Cards stems from the fact that Tarot Cards, and other such things, are from what we now refer to as Pagean religions (which would essentially be the pre-christian, polytheistic religions). When the Romans adopted Christianity, they basically went on a smear campaign against all other religions, branding them as evil. This ideology just continued – for example, the witch hunt. There’s nothing evil about Tarot Cards.

  • Tamara says:

    Tarot cards were frowned upon because they competed with the church. In order to win church approval, much of the Pagan imagery was changed to be more Christian. I actually have trouble with the cards because they are too Christian for me, isn’t that a laugh?

  • Spyderbear says:

    Many Christian churches, especially those to the “right” (Catholic) or “left” (Fundamentalist), label any kind of divination “evil” or “of the Devil.” Tarot cards, astrology, crystal gazing, water scrying, et al, all fall under the same heading.

    As far as being drawn to a particular deck, you just happen to be lucky enough to have found a deck you like and can work with well. My first deck was a gift. The Aquarian Tarot is not the best deck to learn from, but that may have just made me work harder. Ten years later, I found the Robin Wood deck, and it has been one of my absolute favorites. I still look at other decks occasionally, but haven’t found one that I like as well as hers. I still keep the Aquarian deck for Tarot spells. The pictures are so neutral in tone, that they resonate well with whatever energies you give to them.

  • Lillith says:

    They say it is of the Devil because that is what they have been told and are not smart enough or are just to lazy to do their homework to find out the truth
    Here is a little bit of Tarot & Pagan History-
    I see that TH states as a “matter of fact” that tarot comes from the pagan religion, prior to Christianity. Absolutely NOT TRUE. Saying that Tarot started as a pagan thing is incorrect, it is actually more the other way around.
    Tarot was developed in the 1400’s LONG after Christianity was ‘developed’, AFTER Rome took on the ‘smear campaign’ and Christianity swallowed up the Pagan ways which is still being practiced to this day; Christmas Tree, Easter egg hunts ETC. Tarot was a card game and it’s imagery was very ‘modern’ to the times. The Majors all held (and still do) ‘Christian’ titles.
    The images found here:
    are as close as you are going to get to what an original tarot deck looked like. So the statement made about the Pagan imagery being changed to look more Christian is also incorrect. Again, it is more like the other way around.

    As for being drawn to the Dragon deck- You are akin to the Dragons, as I am. Many are.
    You might want to check out the DragonFae Oracle description at amazon, there is a neat little thing about the dragons and we humans and our connection to each other.


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