Question by ?Woo: why do girls take sex so much more seriously than guys?
I’m a girl but i don’t see why girls always talk about. “Saving it for the one you love”and how magical its supposed to be.
Its just sex.. Its a natural thing, Why put it on a pedestal?
Sex isn’t natural?
Do you think cave people believed in abstinence??
Best answer:
Answer by ?Catty?
cuz u can get pregnant!!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
i think its like this- girls do not want to give up their virginity that easily unless it is with someone they really really like (not love really) because they can only give it up once, and they want it to be with a good guy and not regret it later in life. but i agree with you and i think a good amount of people do too, sex is natural and shouldn’t be taken so seriously.
i agree with you that both genders should be equal minded but i guess its just some hormone that holds us back. in every sexual relationship ive been in it seemed like the guy fell inlove with me faster if at all. it is just sex it its not with THE one. i think its a good idea to get experience before you do it with the one you love, but also he could turn out to be
im almost 20 and im still a virgin.. u can only lose it once and whoever i lose it to will always stick with me.. to me its important to lose it to the right girl who i tuly love and who truly loves me..
I think you have it backwards. Saying, “Saving it for the one you love” and calling it magical and the “greatest gift” (or dirty, or slutty, etc.) is the OPPOSITE of taking it seriously. In fact, it treats sex like a bad joke.
Taking it seriously would be treating it realistically, admitting that it is natural and fun, and then proceeding to take personal responsibility for having it and being safe.
Suite yourself! That is why I always say, its up to the person that is giving ‘it’ away. Lets just sum it up to say that maybe by waiting you are putting YOURSELF on a pedestal for your own well being. It’s called caring/respecting yourself!
I don’t see how you can get off with a guy that is just “doing it”. Breathing,Eating, Sleeping and $hitting are natural things. Sex is not.
Also there is something called respecting oneself.
b/c it is special. thats the way it’s supposed to be. You should save it for your hubby, or fiance, or someone very close, and when ur older. AND u could get pregnant!!! hello?
I know … it’s not hard or anyhting but girls always somehow always overthink it
Many girls/women see sex as an emotional/spiritual connection on top of just a physical act of pleasure. Also as some one pointed out women have to carry a baby. So from an evolutionary stand point they develop an emotional connection to the person they have sex with because that person theoretically could help them with the offspring from the sexual encounter. Guys are programmed more to spread the seed. I think this is why many women feel used for sex.
A lot of it comes from past culture and traditions. Women weren’t even supposed to enjoy sex in our grandparent’s (some parent’s) years. It is a part of life but the difference is that women are emotional creatures while men are not. It is much easier for a man to hit it and quit it but if a female does that she is pretty much labeled a “Sl*t”. It is a wrong bias but it is real. If women don’t force men to wait and have some meaning behind it… everyone would just be out humpin around like rabbits… literally like animals. So it is a good thing… what women bring to the table.. or should i say the bed
The girl has so much more to lose by having sex with to many guys because she get branded as a sl*t wh*re or what ever.
When a guy has sex with a girl it is like he won the medal of honor and even if he has not had sex he sure will brag like he did
Sex is magical and mystical when your with female and you love each other there nothing like being the arm of a woman. I don’t know why it is it just is. Woman are gods gift to man